Ellis R. Lippincott Award
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Ellis R. Lippincott Award
Presented to an individual who has made significant contributions to vibrational spectroscopy as judged by their influence on other scientists.
Because innovation was a hallmark of Lippincott's work, this quality must also be demonstrated by candidates for the award.
The award was established in 1975 to honor the unique contributions Ellis R. Lippincott made to the field of vibrational spectroscopy. It is jointly sponsored by Optica, the Coblentz Society and the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.
For a lifetime of research accomplishments and breakthroughs across broad areas of Raman, resonance Raman, near-infrared, surface-enhanced, vacuum ultraviolet, 2-dimensional correlation (2D-COS) spectroscopies and chemometrics
For his development of vibrational Stark spectroscopy as a revolutionary tool to understand molecular interactions at the fundamental level, and for its application in enzyme catalysis to answer the century-old question of how enzymes work
For unique achievements and significant contributions to vibrational spectroscopy
For innovative contributions to the technology and application of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy.
For contributions to the fundamental physics and instrument engineering of mid-IR microscopy and its applications to medical imaging
For on-going contributions to high resolution Raman spectroscopy in particular the realization of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, allowing label-free structural surface characterisation down to the single molecule level
For his outstanding contributions in inventing and developing a broad spectrum of vibrational spectroscopic imaging technologies with ground-breaking discoveries and clinical applications
For his seminal contributions to developing multidimensional infrared, Raman and Terahertz spectroscopy and his pioneering studies of protein and hydrogen bonding dynamics in molecular liquids
For discoveries and applications of phonons in semiconductor hetero- and nano-structures as well as advanced materials using visible and ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy
For seminal contributions to the understanding of the ultrafast coherent and incoherent vibrational dynamics of hydrogen bonds in liquids and biomolecules
For the development of methods to measure vibrational energy flow in molecules with ultrafast time and atomic length scale resolution
For innovations in two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and its application to molecular structure and dynamics, especially in complex aqueous and biomolecular systems
For his pioneering contributions to the development of nonlinear vibrational imaging, including coherent anti-Stokes Raman and stimulated Raman scattering microscopy, and its applications to chemistry, biology and medicine
For his innovations in the development of impulsive stimulated Raman scattering and its applications to the ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy of phonons and intermolecular liquid dynamics
For developing two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy, a method that has been expanded to other probing methods and utilized for studying the structure spectrum correlation for a wide range of materials
For fundamental and continuing contributions to the field of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, and proposing its fundamental enhancing mechanism based on the excitation of localized surface plasmons
For seminal contributions to the understanding of dynamics and interactions in liquids through development and applications of ultrafast nonlinear vibrational experimental methods and spectroscopy
For the discovery, development, and application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in ways that have profoundly influenced vibrational spectroscopy, surface science, electrochemistry, ultrasensitive chemical/biological sensing, and applications in plasmonics
For his contributions to theory and simulations of rotational-vibrational spectra of small molecules and applications for practical purposes
For seminal studies of structure/dynamics of radicals, highly excited molecules, adsorbates and buried interfaces at surfaces through innovative spectroscopic techniques, and for demonstrating extraordinarily efficient transition-dipole-mediated vibrational energy transfer
For innovative use of vibrational spectroscopy to determine molecular structure and unravel complex intramolecular dynamics
For innovative contributions to experimental and interpretive methods in resonance Raman spectroscopy, and the application of these methods to elucidate ultrafast dynamical processes in photochemistry and photobiology
For the development and application of formalism for the design and understanding of nonlinear optical experiments on molecular vibrations
For pioneering the development of ultraviolet Raman methods and demonstrating their applications to vibrational spectroscopy in analytical, biophysical, and materials chemistry
For prodigious vibrational spectroscopic investigations of a wide range of novel reactive chemical species that are important in chemical reactions, in catalysis, and in furthering quantum chemical calculations of vibrational frequencies
For invention of supersonic jet spectroscopy and numerous applications to important molecular problems
For outstanding contributions to vibrational spectroscopy in studying the structures and dynamics of synthetic polymers, proteins, photosynthetic systems, and a number of related small molecules
For his pioneering development of vibrational spectroscopy of molecular ions and the application of this work to the observation of ions in interstellar space and planetary atmospheres
For his seminal contributions to the development of modern ultrafast IR and visible laser techniques and their application to the study of condensed phase dynamics, including molecular energy transfer, structural change, and chemical reactions
For his pioneering contributions to the development of new molecular beam methods for vibrational spectroscopy, which have led to fundamental advances in our knowledge of weakly bound molecules and larger clusters and in our understanding of the mechanisms of intramolecular vibrational redistribution
For 30 years of distinguished work to elucidate the complex dynamics of large molecules in condensed phases. His innovative and skillfully performed experiments and application of theory demonstrate the consequences of molecular motion in vibrational spectra
For important contributions to laser molecular spectroscopy and to the development of laser spectroscopic techniques in the infrared
For his contributions to the understanding of perturbations in diatomic molecules, optical-optical double resonance, stimulated emission pumping, and the spectroscopy of small molecules
In recognition of his contributions to our understanding of the structure and properties of small polyatomic molecules
* Deceased