February 2019
AIO 2019: What is Applied Industrial Optics?
Applied Industrial Optics (AIO) is a multidisciplinary meeting that focuses on innovative photonics research and its commercial impact. The meeting is largely comprised of high quality invited speakers from diverse backgrounds speaking on a variety of topics.While the program committee strives to...
Added: 26 February 2019
Girls (also) wanna have fun in the lab! Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland dixit.
The United Nations (UN) #February11 commemorates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, in an effort to attract girls and women to STEM areas. Yes, girls are curious about science, the same way boys do too. Yet why are there fewer women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)? Why are the numbers not changing as fast as we would like?
Added: 12 February 2019