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Day 4: Applied Industrial Optics

Day 4: Applied Industrial Optics

Sogol Borjian, Ph.D

The final day of AIO 2017 kicked off with the “Multispecial Imaging” session. Achyut Dutta (Banpil Photonics, Inc, USA) presented “Evolution of Multispectral Image Sensors from Concept/Lab to
Application”. Achyut described the multispectral imaging concept and the development process of Banpil Photonics new image sensor- VIS-IR as well as all the challenges. Some of the current challenges are that hybridization is expensive and IR image sensors lack differentiation. There are some alternatives to hybridization and low-temp approaches are the recent ones. Anton Garcia-Diaz (AIMEN, Spain) spoke about the “Embedded IR Multi Aperture Imaging for Surveillance Applications”.
After the last coffee break of AIO 2017, and a final chance to network, attendees gathered for the last session of AIO 2017, titled “All About the Process”. James Fraser (Queen’s University, Canada) described “High-speed in Situ Metrology for Laser-based Advanced Manufacturing”. James continued his talk with asking interesting questions engaging the attendees. He explained how inline coherent imaging provides high-speed depth measurements. It is also sufficiently robust for kHz feedback and already had impact in cutting and welding. He further spoke on his experiences on developing the tech into startups.

Next, Anton Garcia-Diaz (AIMEN, Spain) spoke about “Uncooled MWIR PbSe technology outperforms CMOS in RT closed-loop control and monitoring of laser processing”.
Moreover, as the final speaker of this session and AIO 2017, Nadia Pervez (Chromation, Inc., USA) rounded out the session with her talk on “Integrated Light Management as a Path to Miniaturizing Spectrometers”. Nadia talked about the development of their new spectral sensing technologies with the goal of introducing a small inexpensive optical spectrometer suitable for integration into mobile devices, wearables, and consumer facing devices. She also spoke on all the challenges in ongoing research to achieve even less expensive spectrometer chips in emerging highly integrating applications.

That brings us to the end of yet another Applied Industrial Optics conference. The planning for 2018 has already begun - join us in Orlando, July 25-29, 2018!

Image for keeping the session alive