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Day 2: Applied Industrial Optics

Day 2: Applied Industrial Optics

Sogol Borjian, Ph.D

The first session of AIO on Day 2, “Fabulous-Perot Sensing and Sources”, was opened by Anna Rissanen (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Finland) with a talk on “MEMS Fabry-Perot Interferometer Based Spectral Sensors for Industrial Applications”. Anna talked about VTT Fabry-Perot Interferometer technology background and their industrial applications both in hyperspectral imaging and point spectrometers. She further gave some examples of MEMs FPIs developing applications such as mobile and hand-held, space and environmental sensing, health and diagnosis and chemical detection. MEMs FPI were used to realize novel NIR spectrometers for industrial process control because of their various advantages such as being compact, fully programmable and their high accuracy. These sensors can also be wirelessly integrated to process. Amy MacLean (Queen’s University, Canada) continued the session and she presented “The Fiber Fabry-Pérot Cavity as a Multipurpose Sensor”. Michael Schmidberger (OSRAM, Germany) closed the first session by his talk on “The World’s First Broadband Infrared Light Emitting Diode (IR LED) - Development, Realisation & Applications”. Michael introduced some of the optical sensors for future mobile applications and specifically the infrared devices in mobile applications such as sensing, illumination and projection. He described the reasons why there is a need for new light sources for these new applications. He also compared combining multiple IR LEDs with phosphor conversion systems. Michael closed his talk by showing some very interesting applications of OSRAM novel technology. For example, this new technology empowers consumers to check what is in their food and drink.
After a short break for coffee, the AIO and IS joint Keynote speaker, Tish Shute (FutureWei Technologies, Inc. , USA) led us into the second session of the day with her talk on “XR and The Future of Communications: From Silicon to Human Photonics”. Tish talked about the trend in AR/VR since 2010 and how important is for us merging to our tools. She spoke on how XR is an empathy platform where humans, machines, and digital agents can gain a new understanding of each other.
After the lunch break, we started the first afternoon session “1D, 2D, 3D Hooray!” on Day 2. Hongrui Jiang (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) introduced “Bio-inspired Imaging Systems with Wide Field-of-View and Enhanced Photosensitivity”. Next, Eric Moore (Cognex Corporation, USA) continued the session with his talk on “Structured-light 3D Image Capture in the Presence of Object Motion and Daylight”. Mark Itzler (Princeton Lightwave Inc, USA) closed the session with his talk on “Geiger-Mode LiDAR: From Airborne Platforms to Driverless Cars”.
After the coffee break, the final session of Day 2 “Photonics Prognostication” was opened by Gregory Quarles (The Optical Society, USA). He talked about “Optics Market Overview and Future Opportunities”. Gregory and Mark then joined Martin Garbos (Buerkert Werke GmbH, Germany) and Anna Rissanen (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, Finland) for a panel discussion on the topic “The View from the Ladder: Perceptions on the Future of Photonics”.  Panel sessions are a key part of the AIO culture, providing an opportunity for interesting discussions and potential collaborations.
Following the panel discussion, attendees mingled around the Congress Poster Session, continuing the discussions from today's sessions and meeting the poster presenters from AIO and other Topical Meetings. 

Image for keeping the session alive