2017 Special Program Grant Recipients - Round 1
2017 Special Program Grant Recipients - Round 1
Jennifer Mehltretter, Education Program Manager

OSA would like to congratulate the following student chapters and local sections on receiving the Special Program Grant. This grant awards up to $1,500 USD for high impact youth education/community outreach or professional development events. Chapters and sections went through a vigorous application and review process and we are thrilled with this first round of receipients and their accomplishments.
The recipients are:
- Calgary Optics & Photonics Student Society, Canada
- CIOMP OSA Student Chapter, China
- Clemson University, USA
- DIT OSA Student Chapter, Ireland
- IOP-OSA Student Chapter, China
- ISP-OSA Student Chapter, India
- National Institute of Technology Warangal, India
- NTU OSA Student Chapter, Singapore*
- OSA SC at Zhejiang University, China
- OSA Student Chapter of Vilnius Univ., Lithuania*
- OSA Student Chapter-UBA, Argentina
- OSA Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
- OSA/SPIE Student Chapter at UC Irvine, USA
- Otago Optics Chapter, New Zealand
- The Student Optics Chapter (SOCk), USA*
- University of Rochester, USA
- WrUST OSA Student Chapter, Poland
Any OSA Student Chapter or Local Section in good standing may apply for one Special Program Grant in 2017 through the OSA Grants Database. Applications are reviewed in rounds after four deadlines or until the funding for this grant is gone.
- 15 February 2017
- 15 May 2017
- 15 August 2017