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OSA Celebrates Peer Review Week 2016 #RecognizeReview

OSA Celebrates Peer Review Week 2016 #RecognizeReview

OSA Publishing Staff

Zhang and de Sterke
Pictured above: Dr. Xingyu Zhang (right), receives his 2015 Outstanding Reviewer Certificate from Chair of OSA’s Board of Editors, C. Martijn de Sterke, at the 2015 Frontiers in Optics Conference.
This week is Peer Review Week 2016, and OSA is proud to serve as a member of the Organizing Committee for the initiative. The theme of this year’s Peer Review Week is Recognition for Review, therefore it was natural for our celebration to begin by recognizing OSA’s many hard-working reviewers.

Peer review is essential to high quality scientific publishing. A substantial number of OSA volunteers assist in the regular publication of important optics and photonics results by providing illuminating comments on submitted work. More than 14,000 reviewers representing over 80 countries contributed 29,000 reviews across eleven OSA Journals in 2015!  

It may be impossible for an author to thank the anonymous reviewers of their paper directly, but OSA recognizes those reviewers in a variety of ways. Most notably, we laud some of our most prolific and helpful reviewers through our annual Outstanding Reviewer Recognition. This special recognition began in 2012 to commend the top reviewers for their exceptional peer review efforts over the past year. The recipients are chosen by the Editors-in-Chief of OSA’s journals from scores of nominations provided by their Topical and Associate Editors. These conscientious and dedicated reviewers receive a certificate from OSA in recognition of their efforts, which is presented in person to those who attend the Frontiers in Optics (FiO) Conference.  View 2016’s Outstanding Reviewers.  All of our reviewers are offered complimentary access to our journals for 30 days while they are conducting their review and the 1500+ individuals who conduct over four reviews annually receive a thank-you card. Those who review more than five papers in a year receive a formal certificate of appreciation that can be used in promotion or tenure applications or other situations where it might be useful.

OSA is extremely grateful to these volunteer reviewers for the time and energy they devote to improving the scientific quality of each article submitted to our journals.
Image for keeping the session alive