Waves and Structured Materials
Waves and Structured Materials
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
On June 3rd 2016, a large number of optics faculty, students and industry leaders descended on UNC Charlotte for a special one-time workshop on “Waves and Structured Materials”. The workshop was designed to be informal and allow plenty of time for discussion and networking with those who attended.

The keynote invited speakers were Dr. Phil Russell, Max Planck Institute who spoke on “The Multi-Faceted World of Photonic Crystal Fibers”; Dr. David Smith, Duke U. “Metamaterials and Metasurfaces: Emerging Opportunities for Controlling Light with Structured Media”; Dr. Warren Warren, Duke U. “From diagnosing melanoma to saving cultural heritage: how nonlinear optical imaging transforms the world” Dr. Greg Gbur, UNC Charlotte, “PT Symmetry in Optics”; Dr. Jacob Khurgin, Johns Hopkins University, “New Plasmonic Materials”.
The workshop began with an overview of the Charlotte Research Institute (CRI) by its Director, Dr. Bruce LaMattinna, and a presentation by Navid Farahi, OSA Student Chapter President, which highlighted the many events and outreach achievements this very active chapter had accomplished during the prior 12 months. Notably, the Chapter won the UNCC award for the best student organization on campus, from more than 200, because of its accomplishments and strong leadership. The student chapter and all of those attending this workshop are extremely grateful to OSA for its constant support for the student chapter and for its generosity in supporting this very rewarding event through the Centennial Special Events Grant. We would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate OSA on its 100 years as a professional society promoting optics and supporting the optics community.