May 2016
Imaging and Applied Optics in Heidelberg?
The Imaging and Applied Optics Congress is 25 - 28 July 2016 in Heidelberg, Germany. We hope you’ll join us there. Here are some Interesting Facts about this wonderful place:
(1)The first evidence of human life in Europe was found in Heidelberg. A jaw-bone which is the earliest evidence found of human life in...
Added: 25 May 2016
Day 2: Precision Measurements in Air Quality & Turbulence Incubator
The OSA Incubator on Precision Measurements in Air Quality & Turbulence: From Space-based Observations to Networked, Ground-based Point Sensors successfully brought researchers from industry, military, and national labs working in different...
Added: 20 May 2016
An Ongoing Success - UMD OSA Student Chapter Hosts Annual Poster Competition
On April 8th, 2016 the University of Maryland hosted its sixth annual Poster Competition in Optics and Photonics. The event is sponsored by the UMD OSA Student Chapter, the National Capitol Section of OSA, IEEE-Baltimore, and IEEE-Washington/Northern Virginia...
Added: 20 May 2016
A Forum to Celebrate and Exchange Ideas
The XIOPM Student Chapter of The Optical Society held an event on April 27-29 titled, “National Doctoral Academic Forum on Optics and Photonics,” to commemorate The Optical Society’s Centennial. To join the celebration, professors at...
Added: 20 May 2016
A Mini-Congress in Partnership with Alfa Foundation
One of the OSA UANL Student Chapter main compromises and objectives is to develop and invite young minds into the science world. This time we took lead and looked forward to organize an Educational Congress for talented high school students. As the last event...
Added: 20 May 2016
A Lecture Series Filled with Opportunity
The graduate students in the school of Optometry and Vision Science at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have an immense passion in exploring the application of optics in their research activities. With this passion, The Optical Society (OSA) QUT Student Chapter was established in the...
Added: 20 May 2016
Precision Measurements in Air Quality & Turbulence Incubator: Day 1
Yesterday, kicked off the start of the OSA Incubator on Precision Measurements in Air Quality & Turbulence: From Space-based Observations to Networked, Ground-based Point Sensors, hosted by the ...
Added: 20 May 2016
OSA Incubator Takes on Precision Measurements in Air Quality
According to the United Nations Environment Program, more than 1 billion people are exposed to outdoor air pollution annually. Urban air pollution is linked to up to 1 million premature deaths and 1 million pre-native deaths each year. Urban air pollution is estimated to cost approximately 2% of GDP in developed countries and 5% in developing countries. By organizing this Incubator on ...
Added: 18 May 2016
Starting a New Tradition
Our chapter organized the 1st annual conference on Micro & Nano-scale Science for Addressing Grand Challenges: Advancing Technology with Light at Purdue University. The conference featured talks by graduate students and postdocs working in the broad field of nanotechnology. The talks covered...
Added: 13 May 2016
An Ambassador to Inspire Us All
On April 1st it was raining… it was raining a lot! But nothing stops an OSA Ambassadors. From Argonne National Laboratory (US), Dr. Chad Husko came in Barcelona early in the morning to visit the Institute of Photonic Science (ICFO) in Castelldefels. It was a long day for...
Added: 13 May 2016