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Making the unimaginable possible.

Making the unimaginable possible.

Sogol Borjian

AIO Young Professional, Sogol Borjian, interviews Nicole Reader about the intersection of fashion and optics. Ms Reader is an invited speaker at AIO 2016.

What do you think people will learn from your talk as a take-home lesson?
Learning key principles when bridging the gap from innovation to the ultimate user in unconventional markets.
What do you spend most of your time doing?
Most of my time is spent leading, strategizing, learning and executing our plan to make our bold vision a reality.
When are you most fully yourself?
Working with my team at The Modern Mirror to break down barriers and challenge the norm in the industries of fashion and tech. Making the impossible possible.
Where would you like to see your research in 5 years?
In 5 years, we will be established at the forefront of the fashion+tech industry providing innovative solutions to luxury fashion retailers and uncovering further possibilities and markets that aspects of our system can be deployed in.
Which companies should be interested in your research and why?
Companies, innovators and individuals who are interested in learning more about The Modern Mirror project, we have exciting opportunities for partnerships, collaborations and employment.  As well as any Company, innovator and/or individual wanting to learn more on the do’s and don’ts when taking an innovation to market, we are delighted to connect and share our experiences.
Is there a single word or phrase that would describe you?
A personal philosophy of mine is from a quote I heard, “comfort is the breeding ground for mediocrity.” As a result, I like to raise the bar and empower my team (both internal and external teams) to unleash their greatness and be the game-changers in our world.
What motivates you to do what you do?
As humans, we all face obstacles and challenges in our daily lives, whether it be in business, our personal lives, health or financial.  What motivates me is how we can overcome such obstacles and challenges and thrive while doing so.  Believing in oneself is the most powerful resource... we are unstoppable when we believe.
Where does your passion come from?
Making the unimaginable possible.
What do you think makes AIO meeting a remarkable meeting? Why do you think AIO is a useful meeting to attend? 
Our Company and myself have greatly benefited from attending the OSA AIO conferences and being connected in this community, enabling us to meet and gain access to talented innovators, individuals and organizations who have similar interests and who have provided us with a great deal of insight on the world of optics, which we knew very little about prior to attending.  The AIO conference is extremely useful to attend, because it provides the opportunity to connect with industry minded professionals that one can learn and from and collaborate with. It is one of my favorite conferences to attend.
What is the question that you wish the attendees asked you after your talks and they never ask?
What does it feel like to have a dream bigger than most people can imagine?
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