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November 2024

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The Sagnac Effect,

Researchers use smartphone screen to create 3D layered holographic images,

Researchers add swept illumination to open-top light-sheet microscope

Optica Member Newsletter
Thermoradiative Photovoltaics
Image Credit: Munday Lab, UC Davis
As the world looks to meet ever-increasing energy demands while reducing carbon emissions, solar power is becoming a larger fraction of global electricity production. But the ability of solar cells to generate power is limited by the availability of sunlight. The cover story in the November issue of Optica’s magazine Optics & Photonics News (OPN) takes a look at an alternative option: thermoradiative photovoltaics. These devices operate like solar cells “in reverse,” leveraging the temperature differential between the warmth of Earth and the cold expanse of space. Applications for the technology range from nighttime power generation to industrial waste-heat recovery and space power. Although challenges to commercial viability remain, thermoradiative photovoltaics could offer a new route for energy production, potentially transforming how energy is harnessed.
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Researchers Take Hi-Res Frequency Combs into the UV
Image Credit: Konstantin Vodopyanov, CREOL
A recent news release featuring work published in Optica describes a new ultrafast laser platform that generates ultra-broadband ultraviolet frequency combs with an unprecedented one million comb lines, providing exceptional spectral resolution and extremely accurate and stable frequencies. The approach could enhance precision timekeeping and high-resolution atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
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Researchers Improve 3D Surface Measurements
Image Credit: Ce Zhu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
A new study published in Optica reveals how researchers developed a faster and more accurate method for acquiring and reconstructing high-quality 3D surface measurements. The new fringe photometric stereo method can achieve high frame rates and micrometer-level accuracy while halving the noise variance.
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Fellow Insight — Perseverance
Image Credit: Marija Strojnik
Marija Strojnik says “Optics is exciting. Optics is everywhere, and I am very happy to have chosen it as my field of research and life-long profession.” She says it was difficult to be either the only woman or one of the very few women during her college years and in her early life, and she believes that her perseverance led her to where she is today. Her advice is to “ignore all (well-meaning) advice. Nobody knows the future, but only you can make yours happen.”
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Community Matters
 Image Credit: Optica
Call for Papers
Optica’s premier event on quantum information science and technology seeks papers on topics including computing, communications and sensors. Submissions close 28 January.
Image Credit: Optica
Registration/Housing Open
Join us 30 March – 03 April in San Francisco. Immerse yourself in the world’s premier optical networking and communications conference. Register by 04 March 2025 to take advantage of reduced rates.
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