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Peer Society Opportunities

Expand your professional network and opportunities from peer societies


Optica Membership Collaborations

Optica Members have the opportunity to join the Australian and New Zealand Optical Society, the Optical Society of India, the Optical Society of Korea, the Sociedade Brasileira de Física, the Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica, the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and/or the Sociedad Española de Óptica when establishing or renewing an Optica Membership.  Please note that each selected peer society membership will take approximately 4-6 weeks to be activated.

To join one or more of these societies, please contact customer service.

About the Australian and New Zealand Optical Society (ANZOS)

The Australian and New Zealand Optical Society (ANZOS) is a non-profit organization for the advancement of optics in Australia and New Zealand, and welcomes anyone with an interest in optics. The ANZOS provides a forum for those involved in optics, seeks to strengthen the teaching of optics in Australia and New Zealand, promotes research and other activities in optics and fosters collaboration in optics both nationally and internationally.

Benefits of membership include discounted registration at the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP) and other meetings with ANZOS involvement; a subscription to ANZOS News; support of advocacy for science by Science and Technology Australia (STA), support for research, knowledge and innovation by the Royal Society Te Apārangi (RSNZ) and joint membership agreements with other societies, including Optica.

ANZOS Regular Membership = 50 AUD
ANZOS Student Membership = 20 AUD

Additional membership options are available on the ANZOS web site.

About the Optical Society of Korea (OSK)

The Optical Society of Korea (OSK) is the largest optics-focused society in Korea. The Society’s activities include: member services, multi-national technical conferences, publications, research/planning projects and industrial standardization. OSK publishes the Current Optics and Photonics (COPP), formerly the Journal of Optical Society of Korea (JOSK), an English language, peer-reviewed, open access journal.  All COPP papers are available via the Optica Publishing Group.

OSK Regular Membership = 60,000 won
OSK Student Membership = 30,000 won

Additional membership options are available on the OSK web site.


SIOF logo

About the Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica (SIOF)

Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica (SIOF), the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics, was established in 1991 to promote research and development in the field of optics and photonics and to coordinate such activities throughout the country.  One of its goals is therefore the dissemination of knowledge related to these disciplines.  SIOF is the national branch of the European Optical Society (EOS).

SIOF member benefits include: national networking opportunities at members-only events (conferences, workshops, schools);  discounts at Optica and other societies; EOS membership, and more.

SIOF Regular Membership = 40 EUROS
SIOF Student Membership = 12 EUROS

Additional membership options are available on the SIOF web site.



About the Sociedad Española de Óptica (SEDOPTICA)

The Sociedad Española de Óptica (SEDOPTICA), the Spanish Society of Optics, was established in Madrid (1968) to promote the development of optics, and particularly, to foster research, teaching and industrial applications in the vast field of optics and photonics. SEDOPTICA's activities include a variety of conferences, topical meetings, and publications. Óptica Pura y Aplicada (OPA) is the peer-reviewed, open-access, scientific journal of the society with articles in Spanish and English.

SEDOPTICA members share the benefits of specialized information (OPTIRED email list) and professional networking in addition to substantial registration discounts on conferences organized by partner societies and associate membership in the European Optical Society (EOS).

SEDOPTICA Regular Membership = 60 EUROS
SEDOPTICA Student Membership = 27 EUROS

Additional membership options are available on the SEDOPTICA web site.

About the Society of Applied Spectroscopy (SAS)

The Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS) advances and disseminates knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy, and other allied sciences through technical meetings, publications and member services. SAS publishes Applied Spectroscopy, an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal covering applications in analytical chemistry, materials science, biotechnology and chemical characterization.

SAS members receive an online subscription to Applied Spectroscopy, training and educational opportunities, and more.  

SAS Regular Membership = 85 USD
SAS Early Career Membership = 50 USD
SAS Retired Membership = 35 USD
SAS Student Membership = 30 USD

Additional membership options are available on the SAS web site.


OSI Logo

About the Optical Society of India (OSI)

The purpose of the Optical Society of India (OSI) is to promote and diffuse the knowledge of optics in all of its branches- pure and applied.

Members receive a free subscription to the Journal of Optics, the quarterly journal of the OSI, which is into its fortieth year of publication and has been co-published with Springer since 2009.

OSI Regular/Fellow Membership = 40 USD
OSI Student/Associate Membership = 20 USD

Additional membership options are available on the OSI web site.


Brazilian Physics Society logo

About Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF)

The Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF), the Brazilian Physics Society, is a non-profit organization working to promote and diffuse the knowledge of physics in all its branches, under the belief that understanding the nature of the physical universe is of benefit to all humankind. SBF strides to improve the teaching of physics, at all levels, as well. The Society has an active membership of more than 6,000. SBF publishes the Brazilian Journal of Physics and the Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física and organizes annual conferences in different areas of physics.

SBF Partner Membership = 300 BRL
SBF Graduate Student Membership = 135 BRL

Additional membership options are available on the SBF web site.


Meeting Discounts

We partner with societies around the world to provide our members with valuable benefits and services, including receiving member rates at the following peer society meetings. Please contact each society directly to take advantage of this benefit.

Australian and New Zealand Optical Society (ANZOS)

Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)

Rozhdestvensky Optical
Society (ROS)

OSI Logo Sedoptica
Academia Mexicana de Óptica (AMO)

Optical Society of India (OSI)

Sociedad Española de Óptica (SEDOPTICA)

Brazilian Physics Society logo

Chinese Optical Society (COS)

Optical Society of Japan (OSJ)

Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF)

SIOF logo

Chinese Society for Optical Engineering (CSOE)

Optical Society of Korea (OSK)

Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica (SIOF)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DGaO)

Photonics Society of Poland (PSP)

SBFoton - Optics and Photonics Brazilian Society

Indian Laser Association (ILA)


Physical Society of Taiwan (TPS)


Taiwan Photonics Society (TPS)



Indonesian Optical Society (InOS) 






Image for keeping the session alive