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Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

Fourier Transform Spectroscopy

25 June 2019 – 27 June 2019 San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California United States


  • Novel interferometer design: imaging FT spectrometers, spatial-spectral interferometry, stationary interferometers, spectrometers on a chip, stationary-wave integrated FT spectrometers.
  • Instrument design, scientific objectives, and measurement results for space missions utilizing Fourier transform spectrometers
  • Laser frequency combs for Fourier transform spectroscopy: development of frequency comb sources and instruments, dual-comb spectroscopy, frequency-comb based spectroscopy with Michelson interferometers or pulse shapers. Applications to laboratory spectroscopy and to sensing.
  • Laboratory spectroscopy: advanced light sources and measurement techniques for Fourier transform spectrometers. FTS at synchrotron facilities, nano-spectroscopy, nonlinear and multidimensional FT spectroscopy with ultrashort pulse lasers.
  • FTS applications:  industrial process monitoring, spectroscopy, Earth and planetary science, atmospheric remote sensing, trace gas detection, FTS at astronomical facilities.
  • ·FTS algorithm developments: spectral and radiometric calibration, instrument line shape modeling and correction, nonlinearity effects.
  • All other topics related to instrument developments and characterizations, data processing, and applications of Fourier transform spectroscopy.



  • Frederic Bernard, Centre National d'Etudes SpatialesFrance 
    IASI-NG: an Innovative Wide Field Infrared Remote Sensing FTS for Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Monitoring
  • Jason Glenn, University of Colorado at Boulder 
    Fourier Transform Spectroscopy with the Herschel Space Observatory Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE)
  • Sona Hosseini, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnited States 
    Miniature Robust High-resolution Spectrometers for Future Planetary Missions
  • Takuro Ideguchi, University of TokyoJapan 
    Nyquist-limited Fourier-transform Spectroscopy with Phase-controlled Delay Line
  • Jing Li, Purple Mountain ObservatoryChina 
    THz atmospheric transmission measured by FTS and development of an on-chip superconducting spectrometer
  • Yukio Yoshida, NIESJapan 
    Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Observations by GOSAT and GOSAT-2



Frans Harren, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, NetherlandsChair   

Sheng-Cai Shi, Purple Mountain Observatory, ChinaChair     

Kaley Walker, University of Toronto, CanadaChair  

Ian Coddington, National Inst of Standards & Technology, USA

Christoph Englert, US Naval Research Laboratory, USA

Jérôme Genest, Universite Laval, Canada

Hiroshi Matsuo, National Astronomical Observatory Japan, Japan

Scott Paine, Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr for Astrophysics, USA

Aldona Wiacek, Saint Mary's University, Canada


Plenary Session

Melba Crawford

Purdue University, USA

Multi-modality Remote Sensing Data Acquisition and Analysis for High Throughput Phenotyping

Sensing technologies ranging from RGB cameras to hyperspectral imaging and LiDAR are rapidly gaining popularity for field-based high throughput phenotyping applications on airborne and ground-based platforms.  In addition to direct measurements of traditional phenotypes such as height, these sensors potentially provide surrogate measurements for plant structural characteristics (e.g. leaf count and leaf area index) and chemistry (e.g. photosynthesis, and plant stress). Opportunities and challenges associated with acquisition, processing, and analysis of high resolution RGB, VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral data, and discrete return LiDAR data acquired from UAVs for plant breeding experiments focused on advancing sorghum varieties for biofuels will be outlined.  Results from multi-modality, multi-temporal predictive modeling of complex phenotypes such as biomass using data driven machine learning and biophysical models will also be presented in the context of feature extraction and learning with limited training data.  Opportunities to exploit transfer learning across scales will also be discussed.

About the Speaker

Dr. Melba Crawford holds the Chair of Excellence in Earth Observation at Purdue University, where she is the Associate Dean of Engineering for Research and a professor in the Schools of Civil Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Department of Agronomy.  Her research interests focus on development of methods for signal and image processing, and applications of these algorithms to remote sensing problems in defense, agriculture, and natural resource management.  She is currently co-leading a joint initiative between the Purdue colleges of agriculture and engineering in development of advanced sensing technologies and analysis methodology for wheeled and UAV platforms, focused on high throughput phenotyping for plant breeding.

Dr. Crawford is a Fellow of the IEEE, Past President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, an IEEE GRSS Distinguished Lecturer, and the current Treasurer of the IEEE Technical Activities Board. She was a member of the NASA EO-1 Science Validation team and served on the NASA Earth System Science and Applications Advisory Committee and the advisory committee to the NASA Socioeconomic Applications and Data Center (SEDAC).

Alex Gaeta

Columbia University

Chip-Based Comb Spectroscopy

The ability to generate optical frequency combs in microresonators at milliwatt power levels offers the promise for high-precision spectroscopic instruments in highly robust, compact, and portable platforms.

About the Speaker

Alex Gaeta received his Ph.D. in 1991 in Optics from the University of Rochester.  He joined the faculty in the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Columbia University in 2015, where he is the David M. Rickey Professor.  Prior to  this, he was a professor in the School of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell University for 23 years.  He has published more than 230 papers in quantum and nonlinear optics. He co-founded PicoLuz, Inc. and has served as the founding Editor-in-Chief of Optica since 2014.  He is a Fellow of the OSA, APS, and IEEE, and was awarded the 2019 Charles H. Townes Medal from the OSA.

Peter Russo

Analog Photonics

High Performance Optical Phased Array LiDAR

Integrated optical phased arrays provide an attractive solution to LiDAR sensors by enabling solid-state, small-form-factor systems fabricated on 300mm wafers. We present recent results including high-performance beam steering and long-range LiDAR up to almost 200m."

About the Speaker

Peter Russo is Director of LiDAR at Analog Photonics. He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park in 2008. After graduating, he joined BAE Systems as part of the Engineering Leadership Development Program, through which he also received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of New Hampshire. At BAE Systems, he served as principle investigator on several active electro-optical systems programs. In 2015, he joined Formlabs, a 3D-printing startup, as a member of the electro-optical team. In 2017, Mr. Russo joined Analog Photonics as the LiDAR Architect to develop and commercialize silicon-photonic, optical phased array LiDAR for use on autonomous vehicles in both the automotive and DoD markets.


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