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Clinical Application of Adaptive Optics Retinal Imaging Incubator Meeting


Clinical Application of Adaptive Optics Retinal Imaging Incubator Meeting

6-8 November 2012
OSA Headquarters
Washington, DC, USA

Hosted by: Matthew McMahon, National Eye Institute; Joseph Carroll, Medical College of Wisconsin; Jacque Duncan, University of California San Francisco; and David Williams, University of Rochester

Sponsorship Level




National Eye Institute






Imagine Eyes

Topics Discussed
Featured Topics
Confirmed Attendees

Topics Discussed

The overall goal of this Incubator Meeting was to chart the course forward for adaptive optics (AO) retinal imaging systems, from the perspective of clinical research, intervention monitoring, diagnosis, and clinical management. This meeting aimed to bring together leading researchers, engineers, and clinicians from academia, industry, and government to meet and discuss advances, challenges and opportunities, and future trends in research, development, and applications. The meeting topics were broken into 3 major themes: Imaging Systems, Image Metrics, and Achieving Clinical Utility.

View the program book, including agenda, discussion topics and host and attendee biographies


Featured Topics

  • Imaging Systems
    • What are the minimum requirements for systems and the data they generate?
    • What hurdles need to be overcome to make AO imaging sufficiently accessible?
    • How can AO images be integrated into other imaging modalities to maximize the value of the data?
  • Image Metrics
    • What metrics can/should be extractable from the data (define a minimum set), within the areas of photoreceptors, blood vessels, nerve fiber, and optic disc.
    • What advances need to be made and what data needs to be generated to drive acceptance of AO imaging as a regulatory endpoint?
  • Achieving Clinical Utility
    • What are the most promising potential clinical applications of AO technology, including use for diagnosis or treatment decisions, for which AO imaging may play a role or provide unique insight?
    • What needs to be done to enable the use of AO imaging to accelerate the development of therapies (including, but not limited to, pre-clinical and multi-center clinical studies)?


Confirmed Attendees Include


Lloyd Paul Aiello, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School
Benjamin Backus, SUNY College of Optometry at New York City
Samuel Barone, Food and Drug Administration
Paul Bierden, Boston Micromachines Corporation
David Birch, Retina Foundation of the Southwest
Barb Blodi, University of Wisconsin
Stephen Burns, Indiana University
Melanie Campbell, University of Waterloo
Joseph Carroll, Medical College of Wisconsin
Nicolas Chateau, imagine eyes
Emily Chew, National Eye Institute
Judith Chiostri, Foundation Fighting Blindness
Mina Chung, University of Rochester
Thomas Connor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Robert Cooper, Marquette University
Steven Cornelissen, Boston Micromachines Corporation
Catherine Cukras, National Eye Institute
Bruce Drum, US Food and Drug Administration
Adam Dubis, Duke University
Alfredo Dubra, Medical College of Wisconsin
Jacque Duncan, University of California San Francisco
David Eveleth, CONNECT
Sina Farsiu, Duke University
R. Daniel Ferguson, Physical Sciences Inc.
Yale Fisher, VRM Consultants of New York
Anne Fulton, Harvard University
Kiyoko Gocho-Nakashima, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital
Jane Gwiazda, New England College of Optometry
Daniel Hammer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Masaaki Hanebuchi, NIDEK CO., LTD.
Jennifer Hunter, University of Rochester
Takeshi Kitamura, Canon U.S.A., Inc.
Giuseppe Lombardo, National Research Council (CNR)
Marco Lombardo, IRCCS Fondazione G.B. Bietti
Matthew McMahon, National Eye Institute
Michel Michaelides, Moorfields Eye Hospital
Toshifumi Mihashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Donald Miller, Indiana University
Jessica Morgan, University of Pennsylvania
Matthew Muller, Aeon Imaging, LLC
Lisa Neuhold, National Institutes of Health
Utsunomiya Norihiko, Canon Inc.
Sotaro Ooto, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Richard Ornberg, NIBR-Research Imaging, Alcon Laboratories
Michel Paques, Quinze-Vingts Hospital
Sung Pyo Park, Columbia University Medical Center
Mark Pennesi, Casey Eye Institute
Michael Pircher, Medical University of Vienna
Jason Porter, University of Houston
Hope Queener, University of Houston
Austin Roorda, University of California Berkeley
Stephen Rose, Foundation Fighting Blindness
Richard Rosen, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary
Ethan Rossi, University of Rochester
Hendrik Scholl, Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Ronald Schuchard, Stanford University/QLT Inc.
Drew Scoles, University of Rochester
William Seiple, Lighthouse International
Paul Seiving, National Eye Institute
Hongxin Song, University of Rochester
Kimberly Stepien, Medical College of Wisconsin
Yusufu Sulai, University of Rochester
Jennifer Sun, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School
Johnny Tam, Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques
John Todhunter, SRS International Corporation
Rishard Weitz, New York Eye & Ear Infirmary
Carol Westall, SickKids Hospital
David Williams, University of Rochester
Wai Wong, National Eye Institute
Tom Wright, Hospital For Sick Children
Nagahisa Yoshimura, Kyoto University
Robert Zawadzki, University of California Davis
Yuhua Zhang, University of Alabama at Birmingham


Attend an upcoming related topical meeting.


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