Michael Chini
Michael Chini

Michael Chini received his BSc in Physics from McGill University, Canada, in 2007, and later earned a PhD in Physics from the University of Central Florida, USA, in 2012. From 2012-2015, he performed postdoctoral research on attosecond spectroscopy, ultrashort pulse laser source development, and laser filamentation. He joined the Faculty in the Department of Physics at the University of Central Florida in Fall 2015, and was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2020. In Fall 2024, he moved to the Ohio State University Department of Physics. There, he leads the Lightwave Electronics and Attosecond Photonics (LEAP) group, which focuses on the development and application of next-generation laser-based attosecond light sources and field-resolved spectroscopic tools to study electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids. He was elected an Optica Fellow in 2024.
Document Created: 03 September 2024
Last Updated: 03 September 2024