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Lasers in Manufacturing (FL)

Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation

Lasers in Manufacturing

This technical group discusses the technologies used in manufacturing applications that employ both CW and pulsed lasers for cutting, drilling, welding, ablation, polishing and cleaning processes.

Lasers in Manufacturing (FL)

The Lasers in Manufacturing Technical Group brings together members interested in discussing the technologies used in manufacturing applications that employ both CW and pulsed lasers for cutting, drilling, welding, ablation, polishing and cleaning processes.


If you are a member of the Lasers in Manufacturing Technical Group and have ideas for activities and initiatives to help engage this community, please share them with the chair, Qiang Fu.

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Name Affiliation Title
Qiang Fu University of Southampton Chair
Kanagaraj Nithyanandan Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Vice Chair
Meiting Song University of California, Santa Barbara Event Officer
Xiong Daiqi NTU Joint Event Officer
MOHAMED AHMED MAHGOUB MOHAMED SALIH BABA Kaunas University of Technology Joint Webinar Officer
Neda Baktash Coherent Corp Social Media Officer
Wanvisa Talataisong Suranaree University of Technology Webinar Officer

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    Posted: Wed, 18 December 2024
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