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- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
- Global Inclusivity
- Early Career Professional...
- Education Outreach
- Global Policy & Affairs
- Local Section
- Virtual Engagement
- Students
Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
- Global Inclusivity
- Early Career Professionals
- Education Outreach
- Global Policy & Affairs
- Local Section
- Virtual Engagement
- Students
Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
Step 1: Recruit eight Optica Members who represent the diverse optics and photonics community in your city/area/region.
- At least five members of the section must be Optica Members of any member type. Potential members may join online or email to request to join as a group with a single transaction.
- Optica can reach out to local members in your area on your behalf to set up an initial meeting and/or gauge interest in starting a section.
Step 2: Elect Officers.
- The section must have a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary who are all Optica Members.
- Commitment from Officers is two years.
- Offier Terms start 1 January and end 31 December.
- Your section may also establish additional officer roles, such as Outreach Officer, and elect members to these positions.
Step 3: Submit the Optica Local Section Application.
- Download and complete the Optica Local Section Application. All fields must be typed.
- When completing the application, it is important that the section demonstrates planned activities and a consideration of professional diversity for its membership.
- Ensure that the boxes stating that you accept the 'Statement of Intent' and the 'By-Laws' are checked.
- Email your application to
- If you have any questions about this process or difficulty completing the application forms, please email
Application Review Period
Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Membership Department and you will be contacted if there are any questions or concerns. Your application will then be sent to the Member & Education Development Council for final review and approval.