Section Benefits
Get Involved
- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
- Global Inclusivity
- Early Career Professional...
- Education Outreach
- Global Policy & Affairs
- Local Section
- Virtual Engagement
- Students
Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
- Global Inclusivity
- Early Career Professionals
- Education Outreach
- Global Policy & Affairs
- Local Section
- Virtual Engagement
- Students
Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
Optica Local Section Benefits
Funding, Programs & Materials
Activity Grants - Support professional development, youth education outreach and various Local Section events. Grants are awarded up to 1,000 USD per year to further efforts for community engagement, funding for guest speakers, operational costs of Local Section and professional development efforts for section members.
Excellence Award - Recognizing outstanding sections in the areas of advocacy, youth education and professional development programming. Winners received Excellence Award certificates and 1,000 USD.
Youth Education Resources - Educational outreach is one of the most important and significant ways Optica supports local communities and inspires tomorrow's young scientists. Optica offers online resources, a variety of classroom materials, which are primarily free of charge and events for educators that address the needs of students from elementary school through university studies. We encourage you to contact to learn more about Optica's education outreach program.
Optica Foundation Diversity and Inclusion Grant – Limit to one per year, sections may apply for this highly competitive grant intended to support initiatives that align harmoniously with Optica Global Headquarters mission and vision. Grant is meant to support events that promote inclusivity including gender equity, LGBTQ awareness (specifically highlighting International Women and Girls Day in Science February 11th and LGBTQ Stem Day July 5th). Local Sections can receive up to 2,000 USD for their event.
Optica Zoom Account - Intended to support our Local Sections to address inabilities for sections to have in person meetings and to promote networking with hopes of also reducing meeting/operational costs. Zoom accounts are also helpful to connect to students, local universities and other professionals in the specific geographic regions.
Exclusive Local Section Discounts - Members of Optica Local Sections are granted exclusive discounts to join Optica Membership and discount rate to selective Optica Career Lab programming. Ask us about group membership rates.