2018 Fellows
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2018 Fellows
The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2018. This distinction was awarded to 101 members for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in September 2017.
The Society appreciates the efforts of the many nominators and references. We also extend special thanks to the members of the Fellow Members Committee who reviewed the 185 nominations: Edward A. Watson (Chair), Aref Chowdhury, Gabriella Cincotti, Nancy J. Coletta, Ingmar Hartl, Nobuyuki Hashimoto, Ray-Hua Horng, Cedric F. Lam, John H. Marsh, Tanya Mary Monro, Kenneth E. Moore, Yun-Jiang Rao and Xin Zhang.
2018 Fellow Members

Andrea Armani
Univ. of Southern California, USA
For contributions to integrated photonics with applications in telecommunications and chemical and biological detection.

George Bayz
Synopsys, Inc., USA
For impactful leadership to OSA and the optics industry, both through his exemplary volunteer service as Treasurer and ongoing leadership of a leading optical design tools company, ORA/Synopsys.

David Boas
Boston Univ., USA
For pioneering advances in biomedical optics, including developments in functional NIR spectroscopy, innovations in laser speckle-contrast imaging, and two-photon imaging of oxygen partial pressure using a novel molecular indicator.

Domenico Bonaccini Calia
European Southern Observatory, Germany
For fostering the development of photonics in novel astronomical instrumentation, including the field of laser guide-star adaptive optics with the invention of narrowband high-power Raman fiber amplifiers.

Martin Booth
Univ. of Oxford, U.K.
For innovative and pioneering research on dynamic optical methods and new approaches to adaptive optics and wavefront sensing, including applications in biomedical microscopy and laser material processing.

Hou-Tong Chen
Los Alamos National Lab., USA
For seminal contributions to the field of metamaterials, including active metamaterials and the realization of novel electromagnetic structures at terahertz frequencies.

Yu-Ao Chen
Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China
For outstanding contributions on photonic quantum information and quantum simulation.

Johannes Courtial
Univ. of Glasgow, U.K.
For sustained contributions to optics, including the first scheme to sort and measure the orbital angular momentum of single photons, and pixelated generalized refraction.

Luca Dal Negro
Boston Univ., USA
For numerous contributions in the theoretical and experimental aspects of wave interaction with aperiodic nanostructures, nanophotonics and plasmonics leading to novel engineering applications.

Hamid Dehghani
Univ. of Birmingham, U.K.
For leadership in development of computational tools for diffuse optical tomography and spectroscopy, and for training of scientists in biomedical-imaging applications in neuroscience, cancer and molecular probes.

Stavros Demos
Univ. of Rochester, USA
For contributions to understanding dynamic behaviors and improved performance in optical materials for high-power lasers and for developing multimodal imaging and characterization for medical and other applications.

Nick Doran
Aston Univ., U.K.
For technical leadership in nonlinear fiber transmission and devices including amplifiers and switches, and pioneering contributions to soliton transmission and processing.

Andrew Dunn
Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
For pioneering contributions to biomedical optical imaging and microscopy, particularly for advances in laser speckle imaging of blood flow and light scattering and their applications in neuroscience.

Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem
Univ. of Adelaide, Australia
For groundbreaking science contributions to the field of optical glasses and fibers.

Andrew Ellis
Aston Univ., U.K.
For pioneering contributions in the areas of all-optical signal processing and mitigation of linear and nonlinear transmission impairments.

Rinat Esenaliev
Univ. of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, USA
For pioneering contributions and achievements in biomedical optics, optoacoustic/photoacoustic imaging, monitoring and sensing, nanophotonics, nanoparticle-mediated therapy and drug delivery, OCT and other biomedical technologies.

Sergio Fantini
Tufts Univ., USA
For contributions to diffuse optical tomography, in particular for the invention of the technique of coherent hemodynamics spectroscopy.

Sasan Fathpour
Univ. of Central Florida, USA
For pioneering contributions to the field of integrated photonics, particularly heterogeneous integration in silicon photonics for second- and third-order nonlinear optics and mid-infrared wavelengths applications.

Maurizio Ferrari
CNR-IFN, Italy
For significant achievements in the spectroscopic characterization of glasses and glass-ceramics and their application to photonic structures and devices, as well as for actively serving the optical community.

Nicolas K. Fontaine
Nokia Bell Lab., USA
For groundbreaking contributions to spatial-multiplexing components and systems, ultra-high-speed receivers using digital optical bandwidth interleaving, and wavelength-selective switches.

Maria Angela Franceschini
Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
For pioneering contributions to the field of near-infrared spectroscopy and functional brain imaging, ranging from systems development and theoretical advances to clinical translation.

Almantas Galvanauskas
Univ. of Michigan, USA
For pioneering contributions to the science and technology of ultrashort-pulse and high-power fiber lasers, novel fiber structures, nonlinear interactions in fibers and fiber lasers, and fiber laser beam and pulse combining.

Goëry Genty
Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland
For pioneering research in the study of supercontinuum generation and nonlinear instabilities in optical fibers.

Ursula Gibson
Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Univ., Norway
For pioneering advances in optical and optoelectronic materials, particularly the development of practical semiconductor-core optical fibers.

Gary Gimmestad
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
For leadership in the development and advancement of atmospheric remote-sensing technology, pioneering lidar systems, data analysis techniques and lidar training materials for the international community.

John Girkin
Univ. of Durham, U.K.
For contributions to the development of novel imaging and adaptive-optics techniques in optical microscopy for biophysical applications.

Donald Golini
SANICA Ventures, USA
For outstanding contributions to the optics industry through development of deterministic finishing systems based on magneto-rheological-finishing and subaperture-stitching-interferometry for large, fast and aspheric surfaces.

Joseph Gortych
Opticus IP Law PLLC, USA
For excellence in advancing OSA members’ understanding of patenting and intellectual property, especially through two decades of publications in Optics & Photonics News.

Anatoly Grudinin
Kaithree Photonics, U.K.
For highly successful and dynamic entrepreneurship in forming and developing the company Fianium, a leading supplier of ultrafast fiber lasers and supercontinuum sources, and for outstanding contributions to fiber laser research.

Constantin Haefner
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA
For pioneering next-generation, high-average-power petawatt laser systems enabling a new arena of applications, and for sustained advancement of state-of-the art technologies in large-scale, high-intensity, peak-power laser systems.

Peter Hamm
Universität Zürich, Switzerland
For groundbreaking contributions in the development of multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy, which opened a new era in the study of the structure and dynamics of molecular systems on all levels.

Sivanandan S. Harilal
Pacific Northwest National Lab., USA
For pioneering contributions to the fundamentals of laser ablation, optical spectroscopy of laser ablation plumes and laser-plasma light sources.

John E. Heebner
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA
For numerous innovations, achievements and technical leadership in high-energy laser systems and integrated optics, including nonlinear optical microresonators and ultrafast light deflectors.

Wei Huang
Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. & Nanjing Tech Univ., China
For pioneering leadership in organic optoelectronics which developed from physics, chemistry, materials, electronics, and information science & technology based interdisciplines.

Randall G. Hulet
Rice Univ., USA
For pioneering achievements in the field of ultracold atomic gases, including the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation with attractive interactions and groundbreaking studies of atomic fermions.

Nicusor Iftimia
Physical Sciences Inc., USA
For original contributions in biomedical optics, especially pioneering the use of optical coherence tomography for interstitial tissue imaging and biopsy guidance, as well as for outstanding service to the biomedical optics community.

Mona Jarrahi
Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
For pioneering contributions to terahertz optoelectronics and microwave photonics through development of novel engineered materials, plasmonic nanostructures and quantum well devices.

Igor Jex
Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, Czech Republic
For contributions to applications of optical networks in quantum optics, in particular for their use for quantum state measurement and in implementing quantum walks using the optical feedback loop.

David Jonas
Univ. of Colorado Boulder, USA
For pioneering fs 2-D Fourier transform electronic spectroscopy, developing novel phase-resolved nonlinear optical spectroscopies, and applying these in deeply insightful studies of ultrafast molecular processes.

Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Northwestern Univ., USA
For broad and enduring contributions to the field of digital image and video processing.

Anne Myers Kelley
Univ. of California, Merced, USA
For innovative work in the theory and practice of resonance Raman and hyper-Raman spectroscopy.

Jungsang Kim
Duke Univ., USA
For research on scalable modular quantum computers and networks using trapped ions, large-scale optical switches, quantum optics with single-photon sources and detectors, and gigapixel-scale cameras.

Tobias Kippenberg
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
For pioneering fundamental and applied research on microresonator frequency combs and cavity optomechanics.

François Légaré
INRS, Canada
For major contributions to ultrafast molecular imaging, development of high-power ultrashort infrared lasers, and interpretation of nonlinear optical signals from tissues.

Tien-Chang Lu
National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan
For pioneering and outstanding contributions to wide-band-gap semiconductor vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, light-emitting diodes, microcavity polariton lasers and surface plasmon polariton lasers.

Zhenqiang Ma
Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
For pioneering contributions to flexible optoelectronics and semiconductor nanomembrane based photonics.

Arash Mafi
Univ. of New Mexico, USA
For pioneering contributions to fundamental understanding of quantum and nonlinear behavior of optical waveguides, light propagation in disordered media and development of Anderson-localizing optical fibers.

Anita Mahadevan-Jansen
Vanderbilt Univ., USA
For contributions to the clinical translation of optical diagnostics and therapeutics including the development and application of Raman spectroscopy methods and infrared neural stimulation.

Mike Mandina
Optimax Systems Inc., USA
For business leadership within the greater Rochester optics community and the U.S. and global optics industry, and technical leadership in the development of an innovative, high-speed polishing technique called VIBE.

Zetian Mi
Univ. of Michigan, USA
For contributions to the development of high-performance III-nitride nanowire photonic devices, including full-color light-emitting diodes, electrically injected ultraviolet lasers and artificial solar fuel technology.

Hope Michelsen
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
For pioneering contributions to the fundamental understanding of laser-radiation interactions with soot through laser-induced incandescence (LII), absorption and scattering, and using LII to assess environmental impacts.

Mo Mojahedi
Univ. of Toronto, Canada
For seminal contributions to the field of plasmonics and hybrid plasmonics, with important applications to nanophotonics and sensing.

John Nees
Univ. of Michigan, USA
For contributions to the development of short-pulse, high-rep-rate laser technology as well as to the science of high-intensity, short-pulse laser interactions with matter.

Takahiro Numai
Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan
For seminal contributions to wavelength/frequency-division-multiplexing optical-fiber communications and optical interconnects, through development of wavelength-tunable semiconductor lasers/optical filters and system simulation.

Jennifer Ogilvie
Univ. of Michigan, USA
For pioneering contributions in the areas of multidimensional optical spectroscopy and nonlinear microscopy and their application to the study of biological systems.

Boon S. Ooi
King Abdullah Univ. of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia
For pioneering contributions to optoelectronic device technologies, particularly in light-emitting devices in visible wavelengths, and their applications to lighting and optical communications.

YongKeun Park
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea
For outstanding contributions to quantitative phase imaging and wavefront shaping via light scattering for biomedical applications.

Valdas Pasiskevicius
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
For substantial contributions to the development of novel applications of structured nonlinear optical materials and for service to the optics community, particularly OSA.

Alan B. Petersen
Spectra-Physics, MKS Instruments, Inc., USA
For significant and innovative contributions to the design of commercial scientific and industrial UV laser systems and for long-term service to the optics community.

Periklis Petropoulos
Univ. of Southampton, U.K.
For contributions to optical signal processing and the application of novel photonic technologies in communications.

Pepijn Pinkse
Universiteit Twente, Netherlands
For original and pioneering contributions in the fields of nanophotonics, quantum optics and quantum secure authentication.

Innocenzo Pinto
Univ. of Sannio, INFN, LVC and KAGRA, Italy
For fundamental contributions to thermal-noise reduction in the mirror coatings of the LIGO interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, and for original contributions to the science of electromagnetics.

Gernot Pomrenke
U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA
For outstanding technical leadership in formulating and advancing optical materials characterization, optoelectronics, integrated photonics, silicon photonics, nanophotonics, metamaterials and plasmonics.

Joyce Poon
Univ. of Toronto, Canada
For outstanding contributions to the research and development of silicon-based integrated optics, including microresonators, electro-optic modulators and integrated hybrid photonics.

Eric Potma
Univ. of California, Irvine, USA
For pioneering contributions to development of coherent nonlinear Raman and sum-frequency-generation microscopy and for the use of plasmonic enhancement of coherent Raman scattering for single-molecule Raman spectroscopy.

Minghao Qi
Purdue Univ., USA
For creative and impactful contributions to nanophotonic fabrication and integrated nanophotonic devices.

Romain Quidant
For pioneering plasmon-enabled light–matter interaction at the nanometer scale, including laser tweezers, biosensors, thermoplasmonics and control of quantum emitter emission.

Daniel Razansky
Technical Univ. of Munich and Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany
For pioneering and development of novel biophotonic and optoacoustic imaging methods and enabling their translational applications in biology and medicine.

Derryck T. Reid
Heriot-Watt Univ., U.K.
For the invention of two-photon autocorrelation using photodiodes and the development of frequency combs based on ultrafast optical parametric oscillators.

Federico Rosei
INRS, Canada
For leadership in photonic materials and optoelectronic devices, in particular for next-generation solar technologies.

Takashi Saida
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation, Japan
For seminal contributions to advances in waveguide-type polarization devices for coherent optical networks.

Jim Schwiegerling
The Univ. of Arizona, USA
For outstanding contributions to the field of ophthalmic and visual optics and for excellence in and dedication to optics education.

Pascale Senellart
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, France
For inventing in situ optical lithography that couples quantum dots and optical cavities with nanometric precision, realizing solid-state single and entangled photon sources of unsurpassed performance to make quantum optics scalable.

Anne Sentenac
Fresnel Institut, France
For contributions to the solution of optical inverse problems, computed imaging and high-resolution microscopy.

Maksim Skorobogatiy
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
For pioneering contributions to the development of microstructured and photonic-crystal multimaterial fibers and their application to light delivery, sensing, smart textiles and arts.

Radan Slavik
Univ. of Southampton, U.K.
For pioneering work in high-speed optical signal processing using fiber gratings, optical injection locking and phase-sensitive amplification for applications in high-capacity fiber optic communications and information processing.

Glenn Solomon
Joint Quantum Institute, USA
For pioneering the development of semiconductor quantum dot optical materials and device structures for solid-state quantum optics.

Kartik Srinivasan
National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA
For outstanding contributions to nanophotonics and quantum optics, including cavity QED, frequency conversion and integrated optics including photonic crystals.

Thomas Südmeyer
Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
For seminal contributions to ultrafast photonics, in particular in the areas of ultrafast thin-disk lasers, nonlinear frequency conversion and optical frequency combs.

Hong-Bo Sun
Tsinghua Univ., China
For pioneering contributions to the field of laser nanofabrication in both fundamental research and industrial applications, as well as to ultrafast spectroscopy and its application for deep insight into nanophotonic materials and devices.

Anatoly Svidzinsky
Texas A&M Univ., USA
For seminal contributions to the understanding of the collective interaction of light with atomic ensembles, and for pioneering work on the dynamics of superfluid vortices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates.

Allen Taflove
Northwestern Univ., USA
For creating the finite-difference time-domain method for the numerical solution of Maxwell’s equations, with crucial application to the growth and current state of the field of photonics.

Sergei Tochitsky
Univ. of California, Los Angeles, USA
For outstanding contributions to the development of high-power picosecond CO2 lasers and their application in nonlinear optics and laser-driven particle acceleration.

Kimani C. Toussaint Jr.
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For contributions to quantitative nonlinear optical imaging of tissues, polarization wavefront engineering, and the development and application of multifunctional plasmonic nanoantennas.

Hon Ki Tsang
The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For contributions to nonlinear silicon photonics, subwavelength silicon waveguide gratings and hybrid integration of graphene on silicon waveguides.

Jeff Tsao
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
For seminal, sustained contributions to solid-state lighting and to its material and optoelectronic-device foundations.

M. Selim Ünlü
Boston Univ., USA
For pioneering contributions in utilization of optical interference in enhanced photodetectors and biological sensing and imaging.

Nickolas Vamivakas
Univ. of Rochester, USA
For significant contributions to the fields of solid-state quantum optics and nanophotonics.

Mu Wang
Nanjing Univ. and American Physical Society, China
For original contributions in design of metallic subwavelength microstructures to control polarization, propagation and intensity of light, optimizing physical properties and striving for their applications in optics and opto-electric exchange.

Sharon Weiss
Vanderbilt Univ., USA
For contributions expanding the use of silicon in photonics and optoelectronics, and especially for designing and demonstrating highly sensitive porous-silicon guided-wave optical biosensors.

Douglas Werner
Pennsylvania State Univ., USA
For groundbreaking contributions to optical metamaterials including devices exhibiting reconfigurable/tunable, multiband and broadband properties, and to global-optimization techniques in computational electromagnetics/optics.

Christoph Westbrook
Université Paris-Saclay, France
For using exquisite optics methods to investigate the behavior of ultracold atoms in optical lattices, and for realizing with atoms the analogue of landmark experiments of quantum optics.

Paul Westbrook
OFS Laboratories, USA
For outstanding innovation, technical and program leadership in photonic devices, particularly development and application of fiber Bragg grating technology for communications and sensing.

Dong-Sing Wuu
National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan
For contributions to high-efficiency light-emitting devices and leadership in education.

Xianfan Xu
Purdue Univ., USA
For pioneering contributions to nanoscale optics, studies of energy transfer at nanoscale and ultrafast timescales, and for contributions to the development of laser-based micro- and nano-engineering and data storage technologies.

Kazuto Yamauchi
Osaka Univ., Japan
For leadership in the development of near-diffraction-limited reflective X-ray optics, and a complimentary manufacturing capability, for use in a broad range of scientific studies at synchrotron and X-ray free-electron laser facilities.

Ite A. Yu
National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan
For pioneering contributions to the advancement of slow, stored and stationary light and its applications in quantum memory and quantum information manipulation.

Seok-Hyun (Andy) Yun
Harvard Medical School, USA
For impactful biophotonics innovations including high-speed frequency-domain optical coherence tomography, intravital endomicroscopy and Brillouin microscopy, and for pioneering bio-lasers including cell lasers.

Shaoqun Zeng
Huazhong Univ. of Science & Technology, China
For pioneering work on steering femtosecond pulse using an acousto-optic deflector, activation of protonated protein fluorescence, and methods for fast microscopic imaging of fine brain structure and activity.

Jing Zhang
Shanxi Univ., China
For contributions to the fields of continuous-variable quantum information and ultracold atoms, and especially for pioneering experiments that realized synthetic spin-orbit coupling in Fermi gases.

Xuezhe Zheng
Wave2Wave, USA
For significant and sustained contributions to the research and development of optical switches and wave-division-multiplexing silicon-photonic interconnects.