2009 Fellows
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2009 Fellows
The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2009. This distinction was awarded to 61 members for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics through education, research, engineering, business leadership and service. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in October 2008.
The Society appreciates the efforts of the many nominators and references. We also extend special thanks to the members of the Fellow Members Committee who reviewed the 134 nominations: Lynn Nelson (Chair), Louis DiMauro (Past Chair), William Bischel, Brett Bouma, Kin Seng Chiang, Valeria Da Silva, Claude Fabre, Gregory Forbes, C. Randy Giles, Virendra Mahajan, Katsumi Midorikawa, Edmond Murphy, Herch Moysés Nussenzveig and Din Ping Tsai.

Hans-Albert Bachor
Australian Natl. Univ., Australia
For contributions to experimental quantum optics and international engagement and for organizing Australia's premier institution for quantum-atom optics, pioneering multimode squeezing and making Australia visible in quantum optics.

Bill Barnes
Univ. of Exeter, UK
For many important and ground-breaking contributions in the area of light–matter interactions, particularly in the study of surface plasmons and surface-plasmon-mediated interactions.

Stephen Mark Barnett
Univ. of Strathclyde, UK
For profound contributions to quantum optics, including the introduction of the Hermitian "Pegg-Barnett" phase operator, a consistent theory of dielectric quantum electrodynamics, and an information measure of entanglement.

Luc Bergé
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France
For seminal contributions to the understanding of optical self- focusing, in particular wave collapse, filamentation and compression of ultrashort pulses.

Stephen A. Boppart
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For developing and translating innovative technologies in biophotonics and biomedical optics to applications in biology, medicine, and surgery.

Samuel Leon Braunstein
Univ. of York, UK
For pioneering contributions to quantum optics and quantum information, particularly for ground-breaking work in optical quantum teleportation, quantum imaging, and quantum computing.

Mark Lultzen Brongersma
Stanford Univ., USA
For pioneering and seminal works on plasmonics and silicon nanophotonics.

Ann Catrina Bryce
Univ. of Glasgow, UK
For contributions to processing methods and device designs for compound semiconductor integrated optoelectronic devices.

Vladimír Bužek
Slovenska Akademia Vied, Slovakia
For fundamental work in quantum optics and quantum information, particularly for outstanding work on quantum cloning and quantum state estimation.

Rama Chellappa
Univ. of Maryland, USA
For pioneering and sustained contributions to image and video-based pattern recognition and computer vision.

Zhigang Chen
San Francisco State Univ., USA, and Nankai Univ., China
For important contributions on spatial solitons and nonlinear waves in photonic lattices and for world-class research work carried out at an undergraduate institution.

Julian Cheng
Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
For original contributions to VCSEL technology, including long-wavelength VCSELs, WDM arrays, and multifunctional VCSEL-based optoelectronic integrated circuits.

Dipak Chowdhury
Corning Inc., France
For optics publications, a distinguished record of consistent engineering-oriented ideas for telecommunication fiber optics, and an outstanding management ability, all contributing significantly toward the advancement of optics.

Mark Cronin-Golomb
Tufts Univ., USA
For contributions to nonlinear optics including the theory of photorefractive beam coupling and the development of photo-refractive devices.

Thomas E. Darcie
Univ. of Victoria, Canada
For contributions to the understanding, theory, and applications of optical communications technology leading to significant advances in broadband optical access systems.

Scott A. Diddams
Natl. Inst. of Standards and Technology, USA
For seminal work in the area of precision spectroscopy and optical frequency metrology with femtosecond-laser frequency combs.

Christopher R. Doerr
Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, USA
For significant contributions to planar lightwave/photonic integrated circuits.

Daniel Dolfi
Thales Research and Technology, France
For outstanding capacity of innovation in the general field of optical signal processing through intimate physical understanding of phenomena and devices.

Edwin W. Eloranta
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
For development and availability to atmospheric research of high-spectral-resolution and volume-imaging lidar plus important data analysis methods.

Thomas Elsaesser
Max-Born Inst., Germany
For pioneering contributions to the development of mid-infrared and X-ray ultrashort pulses and to their use in understanding molecular dynamics and semiconductor nanostructures.

Martin E. Fermann
IMRA America Inc., USA
For sustained and pioneering contributions to femtosecond fiber laser technology and high-power fiber lasers.

Joseph A. Izatt
Duke Univ., USA
For pioneering contributions to the field of biomedical optics, particularly the development of technology and applications of optical coherence tomography and microscopy.

Ferenc Krausz
Max-Planck Inst. für Quantenoptik, Germany
For pioneering contributions to establishing experimental attosecond science, by generating few-cycle light with controlled waveform and by generating and measuring attosecond pulses and using them for observation of the motion of electrons on the atomic scale.

Kazuo Kuroda
Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
For contributions to nonlinear optics including photorefractive materials and frequency conversion of femtosecond pulses.

Falk Lederer
Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Germany
For pioneering results in the theory of nonlinear guided waves, discrete optical solitons, and nonlinear optics of dissipative and periodic structures.

Juerg Leuthold
Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany
For pioneering contributions in the field of all-optical communications and optical processing made consistently, over many years, which have had a clear and lasting impact.

Ming-Jun Li
Corning Inc., USA
For significant contributions to advances in optical fiber technology, including both theoretical understanding and practical applications.

Susana Marcos
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
For contributions to visual optics, in particular in the areas of photoreceptor optics and ocular aberrations, with advancements in basic knowledge of the optical properties of the eye and relevant ophthalmic applications.

Carmen S. Menoni
Colorado State Univ., USA
For contributions to nanoscale resolution imaging using compact extreme ultraviolet lasers and to the understanding of semiconductor optical materials and devices.

Rick Millane
Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand
For contributions to image reconstruction, phase retrieval, and diffraction by disordered systems.

Daniel M. Mittleman
Rice Univ., USA
For contributions to the development of techniques for imaging, sensing, and spectroscopy using terahertz radiation.

Martin Moskovits
Univ. of California Santa Barbara, USA
For fundamental contributions toward the understanding of the surface-enhanced Raman effect.

Pantazis Mouroulis
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
For wide-ranging contributions to optical design and engineering in the fields of visual instrumentation, imaging spectroscopy, and fiber optic and diffractive components.

Chang Hee Nam
Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
For contributions to the understanding and optimization of high-harmonic-generation processes for the development of attosecond coherent x-ray sources and for innovations in related femtosecond laser technology.

Evgeniy E. Narimanov
Purdue Univ., USA
For fundamental contributions to optical imaging with subwavelength resolution, novel microlasers, and information-theoretical description of nonlinear fiber-optical systems.

Jay Neitz
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
For advancing our understanding of the genetic and biological basis of human color vision.

David Dodge Nelson, Jr.
Aerodyne Research, Inc., USA
For innovation in infrared spectroscopy and its application to environmental science, assessment and monitoring, and industrial process optimization and control.

Miguel Orszag
Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile, Chile
For a pioneering role in Latin-American quantum optics, studies of laser noise and cooperative effects, connection between entanglement and decoherence, and Dicke model's properties.

Tilman Pfau
Univ. Stuttgart, Germany
For pioneering contributions to atom optics and cold quantum gases, especially for the realization of a chromium Bose-Einstein condensate, the first purely dipolar quantum gas.

Yehiam Prior
Weizmann Inst. of Science, Israel
For significant research contributions in nonlinear optics and coherent optical interactions and for service to the optical sciences community and to the OSA.

John G. Rarity
Univ. of Bristol, UK
For outstanding contributions in the field of experimental quantum cryptography and quantum optics.

Pascal Salieres
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France
For contributions to high-harmonic and attosecond-pulse-generation physics through both experimental and theoretical studies of the highest quality.

Kenneth J. Schafer
Louisiana State Univ., USA
In recognition of many contributions to the advancement of the field of laser matter interactions through innovative, creative, and extensive theoretical studies of the highest quality.

Lu J. Sham
Univ. of California San Diego, USA
For contributions to the theory of the optical properties of crystalline solids and of solid-state quantum information processing.

Francesco Simoni
Univ. Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
For outstanding contributions in nonlinear optics of liquid crystals and its applications in optical storage.

Henry I. Smith
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA
For contributions to optical nanolithography and nanophotonic systems.

Alexei Vladimirovich Sokolov
Texas A&M Univ., USA
For contributions to applications of molecular coherence to quantum optics and laser spectroscopy.

Aephraim M. Steinberg
Univ. of Toronto, Canada
For pioneering experimental and theoretical contributions to quantum optics and information, particularly concerning tunneling times, quantum measurement, and the generation and characterization of entangled states.

Albert Stolow
Natl. Research Council Canada, Canada
For the application of ultrafast optical techniques to molecular dynamics and control, in particular, studies of molecules in strong laser fields and the development of new methods of optical quantum control.

Andrei Tokmakoff
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA
For the development of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, its application to molecular liquids including hydrogen bonding dynamics in water, and its application to biological systems.

Stefano Trillo
Univ. degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy
For pioneering contributions in solitons, instabilities, and nonlinear waves in various systems.

Alfred Vogel
Univ. zu Lüebeck, Germany
For outstanding experimental and theoretical contributions to the understanding of the interactions of pulsed laser irradiation with cells and biological tissues.

Stefan Wabnitz
Univ. degli Studi di Brescia, Italy
For extensive and significant contributions to the field of nonlinear photonic devices and soliton communications.

Ping-kong Alexander Wai
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong
For significant contributions to optical networks and to the understanding of optical transmission in fiber.

Edward A. Watson
US Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, USA
For outstanding contributions to optical phased-array beam steering, laser radar, and electronic imaging systems and exceptional service to OSA.

Martin Wegener
Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany
For seminal experimental contributions to the fields of three-dimensional photonic crystals and metamaterials and for service to OSA.

Andrew G. White
Univ. of Queensland, Australia
For seminal contributions to the fields of quantum optics and quantum information science, including both fundamental and methodological advances.

Changde Xie
Shanxi Univ., China
For seminal contributions to the study of quantum information processing and quantum measurements with continuous variables and for leadership in developing quantum optics in China.

James M. Zavislan
Univ. of Rochester, USA
For contributions to the design and development of optical instrumentation and their use in commercial and biomedical applications.

John J. Zayhowski MIT Lincoln Lab,USA
For seminal contributions in miniature solid-state laser technology and laser applications and for pioneering work on microchip lasers.

Xiang Zhang
Univ. of California Berkeley, USA
For first ground-breaking demonstration of the optical superlens and hyperlens, seminal contributions to metamaterials science and nanophotonics, and pioneering work in plasmonic lithography.