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OFC 2025 Awards Ceremony

OFC 2025 Awards Ceremony

Optica is proud to recognize the outstanding achievements of our community.

Please join us in congratulating the following award winners and Fellows who will be recognized during OFC 2025. Our thanks to Corning Incorporated for supporting the Awards Ceremony and Luncheon.

John Tyndall Award

Presented annually, the award is given to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to optical-fiber technology that have met the test of time and are of proven benefit to science, technology, or society. Established in 1987, the award honors the memory of John Tyndall, who made distinguished contributions to physics. It is jointly presented by the IEEE Photonics Society and Optica and is funded by Corning Incorporated.

Masatoshi Suzuki
Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

For pioneering and seminal contributions to large capacity long-haul optical communication systems including integrated light sources, dispersion-managed soliton, WDM submarine cable systems, and spatial multiplexing


C.E.K. Mees Medal

Established in 1961 in memory of charter member C. E. K. Mees, who contributed preeminently to the development of scientific photography, the medal recognizes an original use of optics across multiple fields.

Keren Bergman
Columbia Univeristy, USA

For pioneering research on optical interconnects and photonic architectures for high-performance computing


2025 Fellows

Recognizing Optica members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics through distinguished contributions to research, business, education, engineering, and service to Optica. View a complete list of 2025 Fellows. 

Rodrigo Amezcua Correa
University of Central Florida, CREOL, USA
For contributions to the development of hollow core fibers, fibers for space division multiplexing, and high power amplifying fibers



Thomas Baehr-Jones
Tesselmax, USA
For seminal and groundbreaking academic and commercial contributions to silicon photonics



Adonis Bogris
University of West Attica, Greece
For contributions to the study of all-optical signal processing techniques and their applications in optical communications, sensing, security, and computing


Diego A. R. Dalvit
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
For outstanding theoretical contributions in electromagnetic quantum fluctuations and quantum optics in metamaterials, plasmonic surfaces, and other nanostructured materials



Lan Fu
Australian National University, Australia
For outstanding contributions to semiconductor materials, optoelectronic devices, and nanotechnology, and for broad leadership of the profession



Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi
Nokia Bell Labs, France
For theoretical and experimental contributions advancing the capacity of optical communications with coherent detection


Werner Klaus
Photonic Network Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan
For significant contributions to free-space, quantum, and space-division-multiplexed fiber-optic communications systems



Son Thai Le
Nubis Communications, USA
For exceptional contributions to optical communications systems research and product development



Chengkuo Lee
National University of Singapore, Singapore
For seminal contributions to optical MEMS/NEMS enabled tunable metamaterials and mid-infrared nanophotonics


Yuanqiu Luo
Futurewei Technologies Inc, USA
For significant contributions to the research and development of optical access networks, particularly the standardization of broadband optical access technologies



Vitaly Mikhailov
OFS Laboratories, USA
For technical expertise in development and commercial application of emerging technologies, including hollow core optical fiber and bismuth-doped O-band amplification



Willie W. Ng
The Aerospace Corporation, USA
For pioneering contributions and leadership in microwave photonics including true time delay, photonic analog-to-digital converters, and radio frequency signal processing


Marek R. Ogiela
AGH University of Krakow, Poland
For pioneering contributions in the creation of AI cognitive vision systems for visual pattern understanding and visual cryptography


Wei Shi
Université Laval, Canada
For outstanding contributions to silicon photonic integrated circuits for high-capacity optical communications



Dora van Veen
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
For outstanding and sustained research into the feasibility and commercialization of ultra-broadband technologies for low-cost passive optical networks


Lieven Verslegers
Google LLC, USA
For seminal achievements and leadership in the research, development, and commercialization of nanophotonics and silicon photonics technologies


Da-Wei Wang
Zhejiang University, China
For outstanding contributions in quantum control of atom-photon interactions, particularly for quantum simulations in superradiance lattices and topological quantum photonics



Fan Zhang
Peking University, China
For outstanding contributions to fiber nonlinearities and high-speed fiber-optic communications




Image for keeping the session alive