CLEO 2022 Honorees
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CLEO 2022 Honorees
Optica is proud to recognize the outstanding achievements of our community.
Thank you for joining us in congratulating the following honorees recognized during the CLEO 2022 Plenary Session I.
Established in 1940 to honor Adolph Lomb, the Society’s first treasurer, for his devotion to the Society and the advancement of optics, this medal recognizes noteworthy contributions to optics at an early career stage. Contributions from any area of optics, fundamental or applied, are considered.
Ido Kaminer
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
For pioneering contributions which led to the creation of a paradigm shift in light-matter interactions of photonic quasiparticles.
Established in 1975 to honor the many contributions that R.W. Wood made to optics, this award recognizes an outstanding discovery, scientific or technical achievement, or invention in the field of optics
Shanhui Fan
Stanford University, USA
For foundational discoveries in photonics, ranging from resonator, topological, and non-reciprocal photonics to energy applications including the discovery of daytime radiative cooling based on a new kind of energy source.
Recognizing Optica members who have served with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics through distinguished contributions to education, research, engineering, business leadership and society. View a complete list of 2022 Fellows.
Anuradha Murthy Agarwal
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
For pioneering contributions to integrated mid-infrared photonic sensing, detection, imaging, and leadership in training the next generation in photonics manufacturing
Jeffery Allen
US Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
For pioneering contributions in extreme control, wave manipulation, and enhancement of light using metamaterials and plasmonics
Konstantin Y. Bliokh
RIKEN, Japan
For outstanding contribution to studies of spin-orbit interactions and angular momenta of light
Nicolas Bonod
CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Centrale Marseille, Institut Fresnel, France
For significant and pioneering contributions in diffractive optics, all-dielectric photonics, and resonant light scattering
Maria Chekhova
Max-Planck-Inst for the Science of Light and Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
For pioneering contributions to the science and applications of photon pairs and twin beams
Kristan Corwin
National Inst of Standards & Technology and Kansas State University, USA
For pioneering research in gas-filled hollow fibers for lasers and frequency metrology, technical leadership, and service to the scientific community
Dirk Englund
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions to quantum photonics and integrated photonics for applications in optical computing
Baris I. Erkmen
X, the moonshot factory, USA
For contributions to the advancement of wireless optical communication systems in performance, technology maturity, large-scale manufacturability, and cost
Robert Fedosejevs
University of Alberta, Canada
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the understanding of laser-plasma interactions, laser applications, and material interactions, and leadership in photonics
Kenneth A. Goldberg
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
For seminal contributions to the development of x-ray optics for applications requiring coherent light
Juliet Gopinath
University of Colorado Boulder, USA
For pioneering contributions to nonlinear optics of nanophotonic devices and semiconductor lasers, and to the physics and applications of orbital angular momentum in optical fibers
Juejun Hu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
For original and innovative contributions to integrated photonics
Cherie Kagan
For outstanding contributions to low-dimensional, colloidal nanocrystals and layered organic-inorganic perovskites, and to their integration in optical and optoelectronic devices
Thomas Katsouleas
University of Connecticut, USA
For lifetime scholarly contributions to the field of laser plasma science and for global leadership in engineering education
Alexander V. Kildishev
Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, USA
For outstanding contributions to the theoretical concepts and advanced numerical modeling of optical engineered materials and metasurfaces
Femius Koenderink
AMOLF, Netherlands
For fundamental contributions to subwavelength resonant nanophotonics to control scattering, emission, and amplification of light at the nanometer scale
Xiaoqin Elaine Li
University of Texas at Austin, USA
For development and application of new optical spectroscopy methods for the study of fundamental physics of new and novel materials
Marco Liscidini
Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy
For the study of classical and quantum nonlinear optics in integrated devices, nonclassical light, and field excitations in photonic crystals
Renbao Liu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
For original contributions to nonlinear and quantum optics and their applications in quantum information technologies
Peter Lodahl
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
For development of photonic hardware based on quantum dots in nanophotonic structures and its applications to quantum communication and simulations
David Marpaung
University of Twente, the Netherlands
For pioneering contributions to the research and development of integrated microwave photonic devices and systems
Florian Marquardt
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
For pioneering fundamental contributions to the theory of cavity optomechanics
Murukeshan Vadakke Matham
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For pioneering contributions to optical imaging and instrumentation from micro to nanoscale
Igor Meglinski
Aston University, UK
For pioneering innovations and sustained contributions to the studies of coherent polarized light with applications in biomedical optics and imaging
Terrence Meyer
Purdue University, USA
For outstanding contributions in ultrafast coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering and creative developments in pulse burst laser technology and its applications
Arnan Mitchell
RMIT University, Australia
For outstanding and sustained contributions to integrated photonics research, particularly in the lithium niobate platform
Sang-Hyun Oh
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
For outstanding contributions to the development of fabrication techniques for nanophotonics, of nanophotonic biosensors, and of ultrastrong light-matter interactions
Sahin K. Ozdemir
Pennsylvania State University, USA
For seminal contributions to the fundamental understanding and applications of non-Hermitian photonics and optomechanics and quantum information sciences
Marco Peccianti
Emergent Photonics Lab, University of Sussex, UK
For sustained pioneering contributions to the field of optical complexity and the development of novel terahertz applications based on ultrafast nonlinear photonics
Dario Polli
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast spectroscopy and nonlinear label-free microscopy
Andrew Wing On Poon
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
For outstanding and sustained contributions to microcavity optics and photonics and their applications in silicon photonics
Rohit Prasankumar
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
For significant contributions to understanding ultrafast phenomena in quantum materials, particularly strongly correlated electron systems, semiconductor nanostructures, and topological materials
Franklyn Quinlan
National Inst of Standards & Technology, USA
For contributions to optical-to-electrical conversion of ultrashort pulses leading to high-fidelity transfer of optical clock stability to the microwave domain
Clara Saraceno
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
For seminal contributions to ultrafast science and technology, as well as outstanding service to the optics community
Nanfang Yu
Columbia University, USA
For the invention and development of metasurfaces and their application to imaging and cooling
Denise Maria Zezell
Nuclear and Energy Research institute, IPEN - CNEN, São Paulo, Brazil
For significant contributions to photonics education, specifically in laser dentistry, and pioneering biophotonics research in Brazil