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- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
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Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
- Optica on Ukraine
- Awards & Honors
- Global Inclusivity
- Early Career Professionals
- Education Outreach
- Global Policy & Affairs
- Local Section
- Virtual Engagement
- Students
Technical Groups
- Bio-Medical Optics
- Fabrication, Design and Instrumentation
- Information Acquisition, Processing, Display and Perception
- Optical Interaction Science
- Photonics and Opto-Electronics
- Quantum
- Sensing
- Technical Group Leadership Volunteers
- Technical Group Webinars
- Technical Group Search
- Technical Group Prizes
- Simulight Optics Challenge
- Volunteer
Awards and Medals
Our Awards Program celebrates the field's technical, research, education, business, leadership and service accomplishments. Since 1929, over 800 awards and medals have been presented.