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Quality Assessment for Passive Aids in Color Vision Deficiency Subjects


Quality Assessment for Passive Aids in Color Vision Deficiency Subjects

Hosted By: Color Technical Group

16 June 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)

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This webinar hosted by the Color Technical Group will address the controversial issue of quality and efficiency assessment of colored filters that claim to improve color vision for Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) observers, a topic that was explored in the Optics Express feature issue “Aids for Color Vision Deficiency.” The presenters, Stephen Dain, Emily Patterson and Eva M. Valero will focus on three main aspects:

1) how to build a metric that takes into account the naturalness and the efficiency of the aids while at the same time considering the need to include chromatic adaptation into the simulations used to predict the quality parameters and other aspects that could be taken into account for the quality evaluation;

2) which type of deficiency is more in need of any aid, and how to evaluate this need appropriately;

3) the results of the quality evaluation are quite dependent on the way they are tested, as shown by the different conclusions that can be reached for display-based evaluation and real scenes-based evaluation. 

This webinar will offer a unique chance to gather and exchange scientifically-based opinions on the use of colored filters to help CVD subjects, an issue that has clear social repercussions given the prevalence of CVD.

What You Will Learn:

  • Key aspects to consider when evaluating the usefulness of the colored filters for CVD subjects
  • Different experimental paradigms and metrics that can be used for quality assessment
  • Pros and Cons of each approach

Who Should Attend:

  • Those interested in colored filters and their social repercussion on CVD subjects
  • Those willing to exchange perspectives on the controversial issue of quality evaluation of passive aids
  • A minimum of expertise in color vision and color vision deficiencies, as well as in color appearance models and Psychophysics, is required.
About Our Speakers:

Emily Patterson, Occuity and University College London

Dr. Patterson has significant expertise in color vision and retinal imaging. Recent work has involved adaptive-optics imaging and color vision testing in diabetes, with an aim to establish the relationship between photoreceptor loss and color vision in patients with degenerative retinal diseases.


Eva M. Valero, University of Granada

Dr. Valero obtained her Ph.D. in 2000. She has worked at the Department of Optics as Assistant Prof. from 2001 to 2007 and as Associate Prof. from 2007. She’s a member of the Color Imaging Lab at the University of Granada. Her recent research interests are related to hyperspectral imaging and CVD aids quality assessment.


Stephen Dain, University of New South Wales

Emeritus Professor Stephen Dain has been a faculty member at the School of Optometry at the University of New South Wales since 1976. He served as head of the School from 1999-2006. Prof. Dain is an Honorary Life Member of the Colour Society of Australia and the International Colour Vision Society and an Honorary Life Fellow of the College of Optometrists. He has 185+ publications in color vision and occupational aspects of vision.

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