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Optical Fiber Sensors for the Next Generation of Rehabilitation Robotics

Hosted By: Optical Biosensors Technical Group

15 March 2022 14:00 - 15:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC -05:00)

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In this webinar hosted by the Optical Biosensors Technical Group, Anselmo Frizera-Neto will address the latest developments of optical fiber sensors in healthcare applications, which include wearable robots and assistive devices' instrumentation as well as wearable sensors for human health monitoring.

Prof. Frizera-Neto’s talk will be divided into three major parts: (i) an introduction to soft robotics and rehabilitation systems, (ii) optical fiber sensing, and (iii) optical fiber sensors in rehabilitation systems. The presentation will also address current research and developments of optical fiber sensors for potential biomedical applications developed by the researcher in collaboration with several international partners and research groups.

What You Will Learn:

  • Fundamentals of optical fiber sensing
  • Optical fiber sensors for rehabilitation systems
  • Fundaments of biomedical engineering and rehabilitation robotics

About the Presenter: Anselmo Frizera-Neto, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Anselmo Frizera-Neto holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering (2006) from the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES, Brazil) and a PhD in Electronics (2010) from the University of Alcalá (UAH, Spain). Since 2010, he’s held a permanent position as a lecturer and researcher of the Electrical Engineering Department (UFES). From 2014 to 2018, he served as a Member of the Board of AITADIS, contributing to support the dissemination of knowledge in assistive technologies in Iberoamerica. Prof. Frizera-Neto was selected as IEEE Impact Creator (2020), IEEE/EMBS Distinguished Lecturer (2021) and acts as a mentor on IEEE/EMBS Student Mentoring Program (2021). Prof. Frizera-Neto has published more than 300 scientific articles, of which more than 150 are publications in international scientific journals. His research interests are rehabilitation robotics, optical and electronic sensors for human-machine interfaces, biomedical signal processing and smart textiles.

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