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Women Scholars Conference

Schedule and speakers subject to change. 

All Day                        Hotel Check-In
                                                Hilton Garden Inn

18:30-19:30                Welcome Reception
                                                Room E222

07:30-08:45              Breakfast
                                                Room E222

08:50-09:00             Welcome & Introductions
                                                MC Gabrielle Thomas, Menlo Systems, Germany

09:00-09:15               Opening Remarks
                                               Elizabeth A. Rogan, CEO, Optica, USA
                                               Janet Fender, United States Air Force (retired); 1997 Optica President, USA

09:15-10:30                Sustainable Networking for Scientists and Engineers
                                                Christina Willis, Director of External & Government Affairs, Infleqtion, USA

10:30-11:00                 Break

11:00-12:00                 Pioneering Fusion Energy for Future Generations
                                              Tammy Ma
, Lead, Inertial Fusion Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA

12:00- 13:00               Lunch

13:00-14:00                Foundations and Frontiers: Shaping the Future of Photonics 
                                                  Ursula Keller, Professor of Physics, ETH Zurich, Swizterland

14:00-15:00                The Future of Biomedical Optics for Aspiring Talent
                                               Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Malcolm Gillis University Professor of Bioengineering, Rice University, USA

15:00-15:30               Break

15:30-17:20               Quick-Fire Mentoring
                                    Michal Lipson, Columbia Univ., USA                         Keeley Hurley, Applied Energetics, Inc., USA
                                    Gabrielle Thomas, Menlo Systems, Germany        Janet Fender, US Air Force (retired), USA  
                                    Deepa Venkitesh, IIT Madras, India                           Elizabeth Rogan, Optica, USA
                                  Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, Swizterland                     Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice Univ., USA
                                     Chiara Trovatello, Columbia Univ., USA

17:20-17:40                 Wrap Up

17:45-19:30                Dinner
                                                 Room E222, Chalottee Convention Center

07:30-08:30              CLEO Chairs Breakfast – Making the Most of CLEO 2024

                                                Applications & Technology General Chair
                                                        Jie Qiao, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Fundamental Science General Chair
                     Julia Mikhailova, Princeton University, USA

Fundamental Science General Chair
                     Camille Sophie Brès, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

08:30                         Conclusion of Women Scholars Conference Programming

We encourage you to explore the opportunities throughout the CLEO conference (  Below, are a few activities we recommend, including talks from your Women Scholar recipient colleagues.

16:30-16:45               Applications of Hadamard-Multiplexed Fluorescence Imaging using a Hyperspectral Camera - Room 201AB 
                                                Emma Abbey, University of Victoria, Canada

08:00 – 10:00              Plenary Session I - CLEO Hub Theater

Near- & Mid-IR Integrated Photonics for Sensing, Interconnects and Computing
           Ray Chen, The University of Texas Austin, USA

How Can Optical Imaging Help Reduce Global Inequities in Cancer? 
                        Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice University, USA

Quantum Science and Atomic Clocks
                       Jun Ye, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

13:00 – 14:00              Optica Ambassador Meet & Greet
                                                Optica Booth, CLEO Hub Theater

18:00 – 20:00            Conference Reception
                                                NASCAR Hall of Fame, Charlotte Convention Center

08:30 – 10:00            Joint Plenary II - CLEO Hub Theater 
Science Diplomacy in the Middle East: Slogan or Reality?
                                               Gihan Kamel, SESAME and Helwan University, Egypt

A Revolution in High-Q Integrated Photonic
            Kerry Vahala, California Institute of Technology, USA

11:30                            Dynamics of Pump Power-Dependent Soliton Molecules in Yb-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser - CLEO Hub JR2A.198
                                               Yingchu Xu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

13:30 – 13:45              Ultrafast Nanoscopy of Single-Grain Morphology and Charge Carrier Dynamics in Metal Halide Perovskites - Room 201CD 
Svenja Nerreter, Universität Regensburg, Germany

14:30 – 16:00              Laser Fusion - What's Next?
                                                  Moderator: Gabrielle Thomas, Menlo Systems, Germany

Afternoon                   Departures

Image for keeping the session alive