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2024 Student Leadership

Programming for Student Leadership exists in two parts. The first, is a full-day of sessions on Sunday, 22 September. Attendees will not only hear from a variety of experts in the field, but they’ll have opportunities to network, collaborate, and enjoy themselves with a student activity in the evening! All of Sunday programming is invite only.

The second part of Student Leadership is supplemental programming beginning on Monday, 23 September and concluding on Wednesday, 25 October on the Science and Industry Showcase. Attendees will hear from a variety of speakers on topics ranging from career perspectives to presenting research in a powerful way. This programming is open to all FiO registrants but geared toward students.

This day is reserved for travel and no programming is currently scheduled.

15:00 Check in at hotel

Colorado Convention Center

7:30: Breakfast
9:00 Opening of Student Leadership, presented by Optica CEO Liz Rogan 
9:15  Sustainable Networking with Christina Willis
11:15 Break
11:30 Workshop I
12:30 Lunch 
2:00 Plenary: Speaker TBA
3:00 Workshop II
4:00 Break
4:15 Workshop III
5:15 Close
7:00 Social activity


Workshop options: You will be able to attend one workshop per session.

Workshop I (11:30 am):

  • Presentation Design and Success with Christina Willis
  • Awareness about Inclusive Outreach Activities with Optica Ambassador Ana Karen Reyes: Plan an outreach activity for people with a different reality than yours, demonstrated through a small experience to increase your vision of blindness or visual impairment.
  • How to Navigate Work-Life balance in Academia with Optica Ambassador Chiara Trovatello

Workshop II (3:00 pm):

  • Presentation Design and Success with Christina Willis
  • Crafting a Compelling Research Portfolio: Showcasing your Talent and Achievement with Optica Ambassador Ritu Raj Singh: This session will guide you through the process of building a captivating research portfolio using You will learn how to effectively highlight your academic and professional accomplishments, present your work in a visually engaging manner, and strategically position yourself for career opportunities.
  • Job Hunting 101 with Optica Ambassador Kasia Komolibus: Learn about different strategies to search for jobs, differences in academic versus industry CV and how to prepare for an interview. Session will also cover informational interviews and transferable skills gained during your PhD that can be leveraged to get a position in industry.

Workshop III (4:15 pm)

  • Presentation Design and Success with Christina Willis
  • Communicating Complex Ideas Effectively with Optica Ambassador Ahmet Turnali: Learn the elements and methods of communicating complex ideas, and how to persuade and get broader influence.
  • How to Leverage your Personal Brand for an Academic Career with Optica Ambassador An Pan: Leverage your unique skills, experiences, and passions to create a powerful personal brand that sets you apart in the academic world.

Program coming soon.

Program coming soon.

Program coming soon.

No Student Leadership Programming; FiO concludes

Image for keeping the session alive