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Registration Information

2025 Siegman International School on Lasers

Venue & Local Information

Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
No.390 Qinghe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai.(201800)
Shanghai, China 201800

Average Temperature
Celsius 32.22 / 25.55 (90° F/ 78° F)

Registration Fee: Registration is $900USD and includes all meals and accommodations from 03-08 August and all meeting publications. Fee is due at the time of registration and any registration grants will be applied at the time of payment.

Travel: The school will be held in Shanghai, China

Students are responsible for their own travel to and from Shanghai. The host institution will provide Visa letters for those requesting or requiring documents for travel. 

Grants and Scholarships: Travel and registration grants will be available to student members only and determined based on student need. Grants in the past have ranged between $200-$700 for travel and $100-$800 for registration. Students will go through a separate process to request financial assistance at the time of acceptance to the school.

Zuegel Family Scholarship: This scholarship awards up to six US $900 to cover the registration fee for the school. This a merit-based award focused on global diversity and academic achievement. In order to be eligible you must be:

  • Student Member
  • Accepted to the Siegman School
  • Attendance to the school (students who decline to attend or cancel registration will forfeit scholarship)

Other Funding Sources to Consider: Grant funds are limited and students should research all potential funding support such as their university, department, or government for alternative funding opportunities.

Image for keeping the session alive