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We have an engaging and informative program planned.  Level Up Leadership is facilitated by Eric Koester, Adjunct Professor, at Georgetown University and Founder and CEO of Manuscripts.

Level Up will begin at 18:00 EST on 7 March 2025 and concludes at 17:30 EST on 9 March 2025. To learn more about the topics featured each day, please click on the tabs below.

Speakers and timing are subject to change.

15:00-16:00 Check-in to Generator Hotel

18:00 Welcome Reception

08:00–08:45 Breakfast

08:45–9:00 Welcome by Elizabeth Nolan, Optica CEO

09:00–10:30 Defining Leadership & Driving Change in STEM Organizations

10:30–10:45 Break

10:45–12:15 Personal Effectiveness & Productivity for Leaders

12:15–13:30 Lunch

13:30–15:00 Strategic Adaptability & Leadership in a Changing World

15:00–15:15 Break

15:15–16:45 Communicating Strategically to Influence & Lead 

16:15–17:00 Break

17:00–18:00 From early-career to executive by Gabrielle Thomas, Menlo Systems  

18:00–19:00 Dinner


08:00–09:00 Breakfast

09:0010:30 Building Strong Professional Relationships & Network

10:3010:45 Break

10:4512:15 Navigating Conflict & High-Stakes Conversations

12:1513:30 Lunch

13:3015:00 Leadership Case Study Workshop & Coaching: New Initiative or Innovation

15:0015:15 Break

15:1516:45 Team Presentations: Building Your Leadership Action Plan

16:4517:00 Break

17:0017:15 Closing remarks by Jim Kafka, Optica President

17:15-17:30 Final Thoughts

18:0019:00 Dinner

Travel Day - Bon Voyage! 

Image for keeping the session alive