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Boris Lange

Career Accelerator (Europe)

Boris Lange

Edmund Optics, Germany

Sales in Photonics: Bridging Technology and Solutions
About the Speaker

Dr Boris Lange is responsible for Edmund Optics’ (EO) Imaging business and business development in Europe. Since joining the company in January 2015 as “Imaging Solutions Engineer”, Boris has been supporting European customers with technical guidance and application support with Imaging and Machine Vision systems and he was actively involved in forming a dedicated European Engineering team. Since two years, he is also managing EO´s European Solution Engineering team, who provide technical support on all kinds of custom optical components. Before joining EO, he gained valuable experience as an optical designer in the Analytics business unit at Polytec, developing VIS, NIR and Raman spectrometers. Boris holds a PhD in physics from Mainz University and GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy-Ion Research. His thesis examined coherent EUV light sources generated by high-energy lasers.

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