16 - 20 February 2025
Optica Global Headquarters
Washington, District of Columbia USA

Kenneth Barber
Sr. Director of Engineering, Edmund Optics
Project Management for Engineering, R&D and Technology Teams

George Bayz
Retired Vice President & General Manager, Synopsys
The Language of Business: Managerial Reporting and Accounting for Decision Making
Lisa Belodoff
Founder and CEO, Bell Collaborative
What is Corporate Strategy and Why is it Important?

Dan Christensen
Global Sales Manager - Life Science OEM, Lumencor
The Role of the Sales Professional

Chris Maloney
Managing Director of US Operations and Director of Business Development, VPIphotonics
Cultivating High-Performing Teams and Dynamic Group Collaboration

Vincent (Chuck) Mattera
Retired Chair and CEO Coherent Corp.
Navigating a Half-Century in Photonics and Electronics: Insights and Guidance for Emerging Scientists and Engineers: What Happened? What's Next?

Ashley Sapone
Sr Manager, Americas Talent Acquisition and Global Emerging Talent MKS Instruments, Inc.
Where are the Jobs?: Finding a Role in a Company

Arlene Smith
Program Manager, Molex
Career Reflections: Insights for Early Career Success in Industry

Matthew Weed
Senior Director of Product Strategy, Luminar Technologies
Innovation and Product Development

Christina Willis
Director of Government Affairs & Senior Optical Scientist, Infleqtion