Optical Interference Coatings Conference
Optical Interference Coatings Conference
19 June 2022 – 24 June 2022 Whistler Conference Centre, Whistler, British Columbia Canada

Like its predecessors, OIC 2022 will consist of five days of oral and poster presentations. None of the sessions are held in parallel, so attendees can listen to a short presentation on every paper and then choose to visit the posters of greatest interest.
Each session starts with invited talks by world-leading experts. The conference also includes:
- three problem contests that demonstrate the state-of-art capability in the design, manufacturing and measurement of optical coatings
- short courses that cater to the needs of beginner through advanced levels
- a four-day technical exhibition by companies to display their latest products
- a special evening technical presentation
The conference provides ample opportunities for informal discussions and networking.
Essential Links
1. Deposition Process Technologies
- Physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition methods
- Low and high energy deposition techniques
- Industrial sputtered metal and dielectric coatings
- Pulsed deposition processes
- Substrate cleaning, coating post-treatment techniques and contamination
- Patterning processes for coatings and filters
- Coating methods based on printing technologies (screen printing, ink jet, other)
- Sol-gel and Langmuir-Blodgett techniques
- Polymer co-extrusion and thermal drawing methods
- Process control, monitoring, and automation
- Machine learning and intelligent data processing in coating processes
- Novel deposition methods
- Coatings for high volume and consumer applications
- Coatings for sensing: Lidar, gas, fluorescence, Raman scattering, and other
- Coatings for energy management: low-emissivity (low-e), radiative cooling, and other
- Coatings for energy conversion: solar cell, solar thermal, and other
- Coatings for micro- and nano-structures, metamaterials and photonic crystals
- Coatings for micro-opto-electro-mechanical-systems (MOEMS)
- Coatings for displays and lighting applications
- Coatings for imaging, multispectral imaging, and hyperspectral imaging
- Coatings for biological and medical applications
- Coatings for astronomy, astrophysics , and gravitational wave detection
- Coatings for aerospace and defense applications
- Coatings for short wavelengths: ultraviolet (UV), extreme ultraviolet (EUV or XUV), and X-ray
- Coatings for visible wavelengths
- Coatings for near, mid, and far infrared (IR) spectral regions
- Coatings for polarization management
- Coatings for security and decorative applications
- Coatings for telecom and datacom applications
- Coatings for color management and ophthalmology
- Coatings for automotive applications
- Coatings for ultrafast lasers
- Coatings for extreme light and lasers
- Coatings for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence
- Coatings for quantum photonics components
- Coatings for novel advanced applications
3. Coating and Substrate Materials
- Smart coating materials and substrates (nonlinear, electrochromic, electroluminescent, other)
- Micro- and nano-structures, metamaterials, and photonic crystals
- Organic coatings
- Hybrid coatings
- Metal coatings
- Transparent conductive coatings
- Composite material coatings
- Self assembled monolayers (SAM)
- Coatings on plastics and flexible substrates
- Unusual coating and substrate materials
4. Characterization and Properties of Coatings
- Optical properties: transmission, reflection, absorption and scattering
- Birefringence and nonlinearity
- Optical and non-optical thin film characterization techniques
- Micro and nanostructure properties
- Fundamentals of thin film growth and simulations
- Mechanical and tribological properties: stress, hardness, adhesion and cohesion
- Mechanical thermal noise and energy dissipation
- Color properties
- Fluorescence and luminescence
- Thermal properties
- Photo-induced thermal radiation
- Environmental stability and testing
- Laser induced damage
- Postproduction characterization
- Characterization of large aperture optics
- Analytical and computer-based design techniques
- Deposition and manufacturing simulations
- Design of coatings for polarization control
- Design of coatings for phase control: ultrafast laser coatings
- Design of coatings incorporating inhomogeneous, anisotropic, or non-linear materials
- Design of nanostructured coatings, metamaterials, and metasurfaces
- Design of coatings and components incorporating 2D materials
- Design of coatings for waveguides, fibers, and laser facet coatings
6. Other Topics in Optical Coatings (not listed above)
- Brian Sullivan, Iridian Spectral Technologies, Ltd, Canada (Keynote Speaker)
New Trends and Developments in Precision Filters and Their Applications - Aaswath Raman, University of California Los Angeles, United States (Evening Speaker)
Molding the Flow of Heat Around Us: Infrared Optical Coatings for Radiative Cooling and Beyond - Michel Lequime, Fresnel Institut, France (Keynote Speaker)
Fourier Transform Formalism for the Description of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Modern Multilayers Applications - Enam Chowdhury, Ohio State University, United States
Thin Film and Metamaterial HHG Characterization Using Ultrafast Midinfrared Pulses - Oliver Dier, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH, Germany
High Numeric Aperture Optics for Short-wavelength Lithography - Bin Fan, Optorun Co Ltd, Japan
State of the Art of PVD Coating Machines for Mass Production in Asia - Lina Grineviciute, Ctr for Physical Sciences & Technology, Lithuania
Characterization of Nanostructured Thin Films and Multilayers for Anisotropy and Fano-like Resonances - Jennifer Kruschwitz, University of Rochester, United States, and Michael Trubetskov, Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, Germany
OIC Design Contest - Judikael Le Rouzo, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Surface Texturing and Hybrid Optical Thin Films for Designed-based Enhanced Light Harvesting - Shinji Motokoshi, Osaka University, Japan
Laser-induced Damage Mechanism of Thin Films for 193-nm Multiple Pulses - Hoang Nguyen, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States
Advancements in High Fluence Meter-Size Multilayer Dielectric Gratings for Ultrafast Lasers - Shouleh Nikzad, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States
Enabling Optical Coatings for Sensors and Detectors in Space Astrophysics and Planetary Applications - Andreas Pflug, Fraunhofer IST, Germany
A Digital Twin for PVD Deposition of Tailored Coatings on 3D Substrates - Daniel Poitras and Penghui Ma, National Research Council Canada, Canada
OIC Manufacturing Contest - Junsuk Rho, Pohang Univ of Science & Technology, Republic Of Korea
Engineered Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and Nanoparticle-embedded-resin for Low-loss and Scalable Optical Metasurfaces - Jessica Steinlechner, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Coatings for Gravitational Wave Detectors: Upgrades to LIGO and Virgo, and Future Detectors - Thomas Südmeyer, Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland
Dispersion Control in Coatings for High Power fs-Lasers - Marcus Trost, Fraunhofer IOF, Germany and Detlev Ristau, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany
OIC Measurement Problem - Gar-Wing Truong, Thorlabs Inc, United States
Progress Towards a > 100,000 Finesse Optical Cavity at 4.5 µm - Zhanshan Wang, Tongji University, China
The Coating and Fabrication of Freeform Optics in the Infrared Range - Oleg Zabeida, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
Hybrid Optical Films Deposited by Ion Beam Assisted CVD
General Chair
Robert Sargent, Viavi Solutions Inc., USA
Program Chair
Anna Sytchkova, ENEA Optical Coatings Lab, Italy
International Program Committee (IPC)
Claude Amra, Institut Fresnel, France
Bill Baloukas, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
James Barrie, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Hsi-Chao Chen, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Xinbin Cheng, Tongji University, China
Garrett Cole, Thorlabs Crystalline Mirror Solutions LLC, USA
Bin Fan, Optorun Co., Ltd, Japan
Des Gibson, University of the West of Scotland, UK
Harro Hagedorn, Bühler Leybold Optics, Germany
Yi-Jun Jen, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Lars Jensen, TRUMPF GmbH & Co.KG, Germany
Jennifer Kruschwitz, University of Rochester, USA
Bincheng Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Carmen Menoni, Colorado State University, USA
Hiroshi Murotani, Tokai University, Japan
Laurent Pinard, CNRS/IN2P3, France
Daniel Poitras, National Research Council of Canada, Canada
Amy Rigatti, University of Rochester, USA
Weidong Shen, Zhejiang University, China
Sven Schröder, Fraunhofer IOF, Germany
Silvia Schwyn Thöny, Evatec Ltd., Switzerland
Ulrike Schulz, Fraunhofer IOF, Germany
Michael Trubetskov, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany
Jue Wang, Corning Advanced Optics, USA
Christoph Zaczek, Carl Zeiss AG, Germany
Advisory Committee
Norbert Kaiser, Fraunhofer IOF, Germany
Michel Lequime, Institut Fresnel, France
Detlev Ristau, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany
Ric Shimshock, MLD Technologies LLC., USA
Christopher Stolz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Brian Sullivan, Iridian Spectral Technologies, Canada
Alexander Tikhonravov, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Markus Tilsch, Viavi Solutions Inc., USA
Evening and Keynote Session
Brian Sullivan
Iridian Spectral Technologies Ltd., Canada
KEYNOTE: New Trends and Developments in Precision Filters and Their Applications
This talk will explore the applications of precision optical filters in the fields of telecommunications (free space and fiber), life sciences, space (earth observation and satellite inter-links), lidar, quantum computing/communications and astronomy and discuss new trends and developments of optical filters in these fields. As well, some aspects of optical filters (such as phase control and group delay) that are critical to ensuring that the filter operates as expected in its intended application will be briefly discussed. Theoretical and measured results of different optical filters will also be shown.
About the Speaker
Brian Sullivan graduated with a Ph.D. in Optical Physics from the University of British Columbia in 1987. Brian then joined the Thin Films Group at National Research Council of Canada first as a post-doc and then as a Research Scientist. The Thin Films Group, lead by George Dobrowolski, was involved in practical applications of optical coatings which resulted in interactions with many private companies and lead to the development of methods to automate the deposition of optical filters. Based on technology developed at the NRCC, Brian founded Iridian Spectral Technologies Ltd. in 1988 along with Peter Dawson. Iridian first fabricated optical filters for telecommunication applications and then for other fields including spectroscopic filters (life sciences and instrumentation), 3D cinema, space and astronomy, covering the spectral range from the UV (325 nm) to the LWIR (16 um). Brian is CTO of Iridian and remains actively involved in the development of optical filters for new applications.
Michel Lequime
Institut Fresnel, France
KEYNOTE: Fourier transform formalism for the description of electromagnetic phenomena in modern multilayers applications
Optical thin films, as 2D spatially invariant structures, are ideally suited to implement decomposition of the electromagnetic field on a plane-wave basis. We show how such a basis choice results spontaneously from solving of Maxwell’s equations using two consecutive Fourier transforms, the first in the time domain and the second in the spatial invariance plane of the layers.This approach logically leads to the introduction of the central concept of complex admittance, and we show how this allows to describe within a unified approach various complex phenomena, such as giant field enhancement in dielectric stacks, light scattering from thin-film optical filters, and optical properties of planar multilayer microcavities.
About the Speaker
Michel Lequime received his Master's in Engineering from the Institut d'Optique Graduate School in 1974 and his PhD degree from Paris-Sud University in 1977. His doctoral research was devoted to the study of third-order non-linear optical processes at the picosecond scale. In 1979, he joined BERTIN, a French Contract Research Organization, to participate in the creation of an optical group at the company. Its activities dealt mainly with Space Optics (Multicolour Camera for the observation of Halley's Comet - ESA Giotto probe, Optical Beacon for the ESA Semi-Conductor Inter Satellite Link Experiment - SILEX) and Optical Fiber Sensors (inline color measurement of refined fuels, pressure and temperature measurements for down-hole applications). In 2000, he joined the Ecole Centrale Marseille as Professor of Optics and Project Management and the Institut Fresnel as Senior Scientist. From 2002 to 2014, he was in charge of the Optical Thin Films Group at the Institut Fresnel. He is currently Emeritus Professor at Centrale Marseille and continues to pursue his research activities at the Institut Fresnel on the development of instrumentation for the comprehensive characterization of the optical properties of multilayers components. Michel Lequime has served as Secretary to the French Optical Society from 2009 to 2012 and is the author of more than 300 publications and communications in the field of Optics.
Aaswath Raman
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
EVENING SPEAKER: Molding the flow of heat around us: Infrared optical coatings for radiative cooling and beyond
Controlling the infrared heat that surrounds us may be an essential part of how we mitigate and adapt to climate change. In this talk, I will introduce how photonic and thin-film approaches have enabled new capabilities in radiative cooling, a nascent approach to passive cooling for our built environment. I will also discuss new fundamental capabilities now emerging in the spectral and directional control of thermal emission over infrared wavelengths.
About the Speaker
Aaswath P. Raman is an Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is also Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of SkyCool Systems, a startup commercializing radiative cooling technologies he previously pioneered. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University, and A.B. in Physics and M.S. in Computer Science from Harvard University. His research group pursues fundamental and applied research in nanophotonics, metamaterials, thermal sciences, energy technologies and computational methods. His awards and recognition include the MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35 (TR35) (2015), the Materials Research Society Robinson Award for Renewable Energy (2018), the Sloan Research Fellowship in Physics (2019), the Hellman Fellows Award (2020) and the DARPA Young Faculty Award (2021). His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, Popular Science, National Geographic and other major outlets, and his TED talk, given at TED 2018, has been viewed over 2 million times online.
Special Events
Agilent User Group Meeting
A streaming link may be found at https://agilent.cventevents.com/Agilent_at_OIC_2022
Opening Remarks
Sunday, 19 June 08:15 – 08:25
General Chair, Robert Sargent
Program Chair, Anna Sytchkova
Welcome Reception
Sunday, 19 June 17:30 – 19:00
Join us in the Grand Foyer for a reception and networking. The Welcome Reception is included in the registration free for Technical Attendees. Additional tickets will be sold for US$65 at the registration desk.
Technology Showcase: Single-Crystal Interference Coatings for High-Performance Infrared Optics
Wednesday, 22 June 17:35 – 17:55
Speaker: Dr. Garrett D. Cole, Technology Manager, Thorlabs Crystalline Solutions
Substrate-transferred crystalline coatings are a groundbreaking concept in optical interference coatings. Production of these “semiconductor supermirrors” entails a unique manufacturing process utilizing separate crystal growth, microfabrication, and direct bonding, which ultimately yields single-crystal coatings on arbitrary—including curved—optical surfaces. These coatings were first detailed in 2013 with the key advantage being the ability to achieve ultralow levels of optical and elastic losses. Following nearly a decade of continuous refinement, we have reduced the scatter + absorption losses to < 3 parts per million (ppm) for wavelengths spanning 1000 to 1560 nm, enabling a cavity finesse exceeding 600,000 (mirror reflectance > 99.9995%). In this spectral range, crystalline coatings are fully competitive with ion-beam sputtered films, while simultaneously yielding a significant reduction in Brownian thermal noise, a fundamental limitation in the stability of laser-based precision measurement systems including gravitational wave detectors and cavity-stabilized lasers for optical atomic clocks. Additional advantages of these novel monocrystalline coatings include record-low-levels of mid-infrared optical losses, with excess losses below 10 ppm measured at ~4600 nm, as well as an exceptionally high thermal conductivity for an ultralow-loss multilayer. Looking ahead, we see a bright future for crystalline coatings in applications requiring the ultimate levels of optomechanical and thermal performance.
Presented By Thorlabs
Conference Reception
Wednesday, 22 June 18:00 – 20:00
Enjoy the evening with your fellow colleagues and friends. The Conference Reception is included in the registration for Technical attendees. If you would like to bring a guest, tickets can be purchased at the registration desk for US $85.
Short Courses
SC349 - Optical Coatings for Space Applications
Sunday, 19 June
08:00 - 12:00
Instructor: James Barrie, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
SC399 - Process Concepts of Magnetron Sputtering for Optical Coatings
Sunday, 19 June
13:00 - 17:00
Instructor: Michael Vergöhl, Fraunhofer Inst for Surface Eng and Thin Films (IST), Germany
SC400 - Thickness Monitoring and Enhanced Production Strategies for Optical Coatings
Sunday, 19 June
13:00 - 17:00
Instructor: Florian Carstens, Laser Zentrum Hannover eV, Germany
SC436 - Characterization Strategies and Techniques for Optical Interference Coating for Laser Applications
Sunday, 19 June
08:00 - 12:00
Instructor: Marco Jupé, Laser Zentrum Hannover eV, Germany
SC482 - Phase Properties of Optical Coatings
Sunday, 19 June
13:00 - 17:00
Instructor: Vladimir Pervak, Max Plank, Germany
SC504 - Holistic Approach to Optical Coatings and Filters
Sunday, 19 June
08:00 - 12:00
Instructor: Ludvik Martinu, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
SC505 - New Spectrophotometric Tools for the Optical Characterization of High-performance Interference Filters
Sunday, 19 June
13:00 - 17:00
Instructor: Michel Lequime, Institut Fresnel, France
SC506 - Thin Film Uniformity
Sunday, 19 June
08:00 - 12:00
Instructor: James Oliver, Vacuum Innovations, USA
The Optical Interference Coatings conference sponsors three contests in the areas of design, manufacturing, and measurement. Following are the descriptions and submission information for each of the three contests.
Design Contest
An exciting component of the Optical Interference Coating (OIC) topical meeting is the design contest. The contest traditionally presents two challenging design problems to the optical thin-film community. The participating designers can use whatever design software or design techniques they prefer in order to meet the specifications called out in the problem statement. Web-based evaluation software will be provided to participants to check their results. An examination of all of the design techniques and submitted solutions provides valuable insights and helps to advance the knowledge base of the optical thin-film community. The design contest results will be presented at the OIC conference. The designs and associated designer list will be disclosed.
Jennifer Kruschwitz, University of Rochester, USA
Michael Trubetskov, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany
Evaluation team:
Jason Keck, Independent Consultant, USA
Manufacturing Contest
The purpose of the Manufacturing Contest is to demonstrate the state-of-the-art in optical thin film manufacturing by challenging participants to manufacture a demanding optical filter. The contest has attracted many participants in the past from industries, research organizations and universities since it was first held in 2001. Participants can use any optical design, deposition technique and measurement equipment to manufacture the filter on supplied blank substrates according to the specification in the contest description. Three independent laboratories will evaluate the submitted samples only for the required performance rating and samples will be returned to participants at the OIC conference. The manufacturing contest results will be presented at the OIC conference. As in the previous contests, only the participant with the top-rated sample will be named. All other participants will be acknowledged, but not associated with a specific sample.
Daniel Poitras, National Research Council, Canada
Penghui Ma, National Research Council, Canada
Evaluation team:
Michael Jacobson, Optical Data Associates, USA
Catherine Cooksey, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Luke Sandilands, National Research Council, Canada
Stacey Lee, National Research Council, Canada
Measurement Contest
The ability to measure accurately the performance of optical coatings is essential to the successful design and manufacturing of optical coatings, especially for demanding applications. The OIC Measurement Contest challenges participants to use whatever techniques or equipment available to them, to measure the performance of supplied coating samples according to the specification in the contest description. The samples supplied by the contest are fabricated by durable deposition process and have passed a durability test before being distributed to participants. The submitted measurement results by participants will be presented at the OIC conference in an anonymous manner. All participants will be acknowledged.
Detlev Ristau, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Germany
Marcus Trost, Fraunhofer Institut Angewandte Optik & Feinmechanik; Germany
Evaluation team:
Marcus Trost, Fraunhofer Institut Angewandte Optik & Feinmechanik; Germany
Florian Carstens, Laser Zentrum Hannover, Germany