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Chair & Committee Information

Information for Conference Chairs and Committee Members

Information for Session Chairs/Presiders

Presiders are requested to identify themselves at least 20 minutes before the session begins to the audiovisual personnel for a quick review of equipment and procedures.


Remember to introduce yourself as the presider and announce the session. The total amount of time allotted for each paper will be listed in the online program as well as in the conference program book. Generally, invited talks are allowed 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Generally, contributed talks are allowed 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. Generally, tutorials are allotted 45 minutes to 1 hour, with 5 minutes for discussion. A 60-minute mechanical timer will be available for your use. We recommend that the timer is set two minutes prior to the end of the presentation time in order to provide a warning to wrap up the talk and start the discussion period. Notify the authors of this warning system. It is also important to remind the speaker to repeat the questions asked from the audience.

Maintaining the scheduled timing of papers is very important. In cases where the paper is withdrawn or the speaker does not show, use the time for an extended question period for authors of previously presented papers or call a break. PLEASE DO NOT START TALKS EARLIER THAN THEY ARE SCHEDULED. All requests to modify the program schedule should be directed to the program chair.

Speaker Check-in Sheet

Once you arrive at your session room, you’ll find a folder at the podium or on the table at the front of the room. This folder will contain a sheet for each session in that room. Please be sure to remove only your session sheet. The check-in sheet will list the talks within your session, the order in which they will be given, and the name of the author giving the presentation. Please be sure to check the box to indicate which speakers presented during the session. Make note of any no-show speakers or replacement speakers. Also, please try to estimate the number of attendees at the session at the start of the session, about halfway into the session, and at the end of the session, note these counts where indicated in the upper right corner. Leave the completed sheet in the folder in the pocket marked “Completed” and leave the folder on the podium or table for the next session presider. The check-in sheet serves two purposes: 1) to assist you in running an effective session and 2) to help us ensure that the appropriate speakers’ files are archived on OSA Optics InfoBase after the meeting. Only those authors who attend and present are included in the InfoBase, so it’s important that you make note of any presenters who are absent.

View a sample check-in sheet.

Image for keeping the session alive