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Christian Hagenlocher

Optica Industry Training Courses at LASER World of PHOTONICS

27 - 30 June, 2023

Christian Hagenlocher

University of Stuttgart, Head of Process Fundamentals Department

About the company:
The Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge at the University of Stuttgart pursues the goal of contributing to the progress of laser technology and its successful use in manufacturing applications with research and development work and teaching activities.

About the Speaker
Christian Hagenlocher studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart and completed his PhD at IFSW in 2020 on the topic of laser beam welding of aluminum alloys, for which he was awarded the WLT prize. Funded by an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, he spent the following period as a PostDoc at RMIT in Melbourne primarily working on additive manufacturing processes. Since April 2023 he is heading the department “process fundamentals” at the IFSW in Stuttgart.
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