Guillaume Basset
14 - 15 May 2025
Halle 02 / Alter Güterbahnhof
Heidelberg, Germany
Guillaume Basset
CSEM, Micro-Nano-Optics Group Leader
About the Speaker
Guillaume Basset is an expert in micro-optics, optical document security, diffractive and subwavelength optics, resonant waveguide-gratings and micro-nano structuration. He graduated in 2007 from INP Grenoble, Politecnico di Torino and EPFL in nanotechnologies for integrated systems. G. Basset has managed various projects developing new security features for banknotes, ID documents and brand protection, new micro-optics for various industries such as space, telecom/datacom, consumer electronics, lasers, biology etc. He has developed and optimized new processes to originate and replicate micro and nano-optical structures. He is now leading the micro and nano-optics group at CSEM SA.