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Optica Advanced Manufacturing Alliance at Focuslight Switzerland

Jorge Julián Sánchez Martínez

HEF Photonics, Business & Developer Senior International Coordinator

Cutting edge manufacturing capabilities for high innovative sectors: an european proposal
About the Speaker

Jorge Julián Sánchez Martínez, Albacete-Spain- 1972, has a Msc degree in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid and a 2nd Msc degree in Maths (fundamental analysis) from UNED (Madrid). He performed his doctoral thesis in Physical Sciences at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the ETSIT of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2000) on low dimensional semiconductor structures for photonics applications. More than 20 years in industrial applicabilities of photonics and research in universities, such as the Center for the development of sensors, instrumentation and systems (CD6-UPC), DAS photonics, ISDEFE and ALCATEL. He is currently working at HEF Photonics/KERDRY (France) providing his vision as Business development & Innovation officer.

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