Anand Gopalan
05 - 06 September 2023
Achim, Germany
Anand Gopalan
Vayu Robotics, CEO & Co-founder

The path to a 3 digit Sensor BOM for mobile Robots
About the Speaker
Anand Gopalan, the CEO and Co-founder of Vayu Robotics considers himself tinkerer, engineer, philosopher and entrepreneur in that order! At Vayu, Robotics Anand leads a very talented group of sensor experts, roboticists and machine learning engineers towards a vision of building safe, sustainable and economically viable mobile robots for a variety of industrial and commercial applications.Before Vayu, Anand was the CTO and then CEO at Velodyne Lidar, a leading supplier and industry pioneer in lidar sensors, a company which he took public in the fall of 2020. During his time at Velodyne, the company reinvented the manufacturing methods for high resolution long range lidar using photonics manufacturing techniques and cutting edge ASIC technology. They also built truly cost-efficient solid state lidar for automotive and pioneered the usage of Galium Nitride ASICs for Lidar.
Prior to Velodyne Anand, has been in the semiconductor and photonics industry for over a decade building a variety of telecom, data com and consumer electronic products at the conjunction of phonics, ASICs and high speed signaling.
Dr Gopalan has a PhD in Microsystems and Masters in Electrical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology as well as a Bachelors in Electronics from Mumbai University.