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Freeform Optics (Freeform)

Optica Design and Fabrication Congress

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Freeform Optics (Freeform)

Freeform Optics explores the evolving impact of freeform optical surfaces on optical systems for both imaging and nonimaging science and technologies.

New fabrication techniques that create optical surfaces that are not surfaces of revolution open an expansive new space for optical systems. Enabled systems include illumination systems, imaging optics from microscopy to space optics, including head-worn and head-up displays, and broadband pervasive surveillance systems. But optical testing methods for these new surfaces are lacking, and the theory and implementation of an aberration theory as a basis for optical design of these surfaces was only unraveled in 2012. The scope features work on the optical design of imaging systems with freeform surfaces, evolving methods for surface representation for nonimaging system optimization and a perspective on the new challenges these surfaces present to optical testing.

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