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Industry Program

Optica Biophotonics Congress

Industry Program

Industry Chairs
Ewa Zarnowska
Ewa Zarnowska

Coherent Corp., USA, Industry Chair

Kate Bechtel
Kate Bechtel

Ripple Medical, USA, Industry Vice Chair

Panel Session I: Paths to New Technology: Application-Focused Collaboration Followed by A Networking Event

Wednesday, 23 April 17:00 - 19:30

The desire to create change through innovative technology is widespread. One path to the success is fostering collaboration between different entities, such as industry and academia to accelerate the development and commercialization of technological innovations to address real-world challenges.

Two invited speakers, one from for-profit and one from non-profit sectors, will share their perspectives on strategic collaborations with academics and discuss their relevant experiences. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A opportunity.


Darryl McCoy

General Manager, Ultrafast Laser Centre of Excellence, Glasgow, Scotland, Coherent Corp., USA

Stephani Otte

Senior Science Officer, Imaging, Chan Zuckerberg InitiativeUSA





All attendees are invited to join an engagement event with the speakers and panelists following the Wednesday Industry Session. The event will provide an opportunity to continue conversations on how innovative ideas can be successfully turned into marketable products as well as to explore key factors that drive market adoption and overall product success.

Have an idea or need one? Connect with representatives from your nearest photonics hub who will be invited to attend. Come prepared because you will also have the opportunity to deliver an elevator pitch to your colleagues for actionable feedback during the event, potentially accelerating the development of your idea or invention. Light drinks and snacks will be provided.

Panel Session II: Validation of New Technology: The Role of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), Voice of Customer (VOC) and Human Factors

Thursday, 24 April 10:30 - 12:00

Generating new technology is often the easy part. The challenging part is validating the product meets user needs. This is especially true for products that are used outside of the research community, whether by medical staff or laypersons.

Two invited speakers, one from the medical device industry and one from the consumer industry, will share their experiences in identifying user needs and ensuring product success in the target market. The presentations will be followed by a Q&A opportunity.


David Cuccia

Founder and CTO, ModulimUSA

"Sophie" So Hyun Chung

Principal Professional, Product Marketing / GTM Strategy, Samsung ElectronicsKorea (Republic of)

Image for keeping the session alive