Clinical and Translational Biophotonics (Translational)
21 - 24 April 2025
Loews Coronado Bay Resort
Coronado, California USA
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Submission Deadline: 2 Apr 2025 12:00
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Clinical and Translational Biophotonics (Translational)
Translational focuses on the development and application of optical techniques for clinical applications.
The meeting spans clinical diagnostic, surgical guidance and therapeutic approaches that use light, with applications ranging from cancer to ophthalmology and global health. It also addresses technologies for in-vivo laboratory disease research including contrast agent development and intravital microscopy in animal models.
Presented work will include reports of novel and developing technologies for clinical applications, demonstrations of clinical applications and clinical trial results. Presenters are encouraged to share their experiences relating to the challenges of clinical translation. Events will include panel discussions and networking forums to develop skills and expertise for clinical translation, FDA and regulatory hurdles and fundraising.
Anabela Da Silva
Fresnel Institut, France,
General Chair
Narasimhan Rajaram
University of Arkansas, United States,
General Chair
Davide Contini
Politecnico di Milano, Italy,
Program Chair
Arnaud Dubois
Institut d'Optique Graduate School, France,
Program Chair
Committee Members
- Anabela Da Silva, Fresnel Institut, France, General Chair
- Narasimhan Rajaram, University of Arkansas, United States, General Chair
- Davide Contini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Program Chair
- Arnaud Dubois, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, France, Program Chair
- Caterina Amendola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Marine Amouroux, Universite de Lorraine, France
- Pierre Bleuet, CEA
- Guillaume Blivet, Regenlife
- Walter Blondel, Nancy University - CRAN, France
- Amir Gandjbakhche, National Institutes of Health, United States
- Sanathana Konugolu Venkata Sekar, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
- Giulia Maffeis, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Bruno Montcel, CREATIS INSA Lyon
- Jonas Ogien, Damae Medical, France
- Frederic Pain, , France
- Angelo Pierangelo, Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Alexey Popov, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
- Jessica Ramella-Roman, Florida International University, United States