Michael Williams
Michael Williams

Michael J. Williams is from Philadelphia, PA, USA. He received a Bachelor of Science in Physics in 2009 from Morehouse College and a Master in Science in Materials Science in 2012 from Fisk University. He received a PhD in Optics from Delaware State University in 2018. His research was the investigation of the linear, nonlinear, and fluorescent characterization of various nanodiamond suspensions using well-established characterization methods and techniques. The purpose was to determine a deeper understanding on how to engineer nanodiamonds to enhance their optical properties for lasers, biophotonics, and quantum optical applications. He has served on several committees promoting new leadership in optics and photonics and racial diversity and inclusion. He has also presented ground-breaking science policy to the US Congress. Currently, he is an Applications Specialist for Boston Electronics, a photonics distribution company that enables its customers to develop and manufacture superior products and perform leading edge research by providing them with a broad range of advanced electro-optical solutions and knowledgeable application support.
Document Created: 26 July 2023
Last Updated: 13 September 2023