2020 Fellows
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2020 Fellows
The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2020. This distinction was awarded to 94 members for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics through education, research, engineering, business leadership and service. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in September 2019.
The Society appreciates the efforts of the many nominators and references. We also extend special thanks to the members of the Fellow Members Committee who reviewed the 209 nominations: Aref Chowdhury (Chair), Ingmar Hartl (Past-Chair), Deb Kane (Vice-Chair), Mitra Dutta, Ann E. Elsner, Andrew Forbes, Ray-Hua Horng, Mona Jarrahi, Laura M. Lechuga, Dale C Linne von Berg, Chao Lu, Manyalibo J. Matthews, Juan Carlos Miñano, Kaoru Minoshima and Loukas Paraschis.
2020 Fellow Members:

Cristian Antonelli
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
For fundamental contributions to the study of propagation-related phenomena in single- and multi-mode fiber optic transmission

Mete Atature
University of Cambridge, UK
For pioneering contributions to solid-state quantum optics, including entanglement of distant spin qubits, optical cooling and quantum control of nuclear spin ensembles, and inventing a scalable method to fabricate atomically thin quantum optical devices

Abul Azad
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
For original and pioneering contributions to the research and development of terahertz metamaterials, few-layer metasurfaces, active metamaterials, and terahertz plasmonics in subwavelength hole-arrays

Julie Bentley
University of Rochester, USA
For outstanding international leadership in optical design through conference organization, innovative methods, and excellence in teaching and mentoring

Ivan Biaggio
Lehigh University, USA
For outstanding and sustained contributions to materials development and understanding, for applications that require the ability to manipulate light

Fabien Bretenaker
CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay, France
For original developments in laser physics, nonlinear optics and quantum optics, e.g., Coherent Population Oscillation

David C. Brown
Advanced Photonic Sciences, USA
For industrial leadership and pioneering research in rare-earth activated lasers, rare-earth doped cryogenic laser technology and the understanding of thermal effects in fiber lasers and cryogenic lasers

Yangjian Cai
Soochow University and Shandong Normal University, China
For significant contributions to optical coherence structure engineering and their applications

Yi Cai
For contributions to forward error correction and digital signal processing in optical fiber communications

Francesca Calegari
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) and Universität Hamburg (UHH), Germany
For major contributions to attosecond science

Christophe Caloz
KU Leuven, Belgium, and Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
For pioneering contributions to electromagnetic metamaterials and sustained leadership in bridging the gap between microwave and photonics technologies

Liangcai Cao
Tsinghua University, China
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of holography and optical information processing

Peter B. Catrysse
Stanford University, USA
For pioneering contributions to fundamental nanophotonics and its applications in solid-state imaging and radiative heat transfer in textiles

Yanne Chembo
University of Maryland, USA
For pioneering contributions to the development of microwave photonic systems for aerospace and communication engineering, including monolithic optical frequency comb generators and optoelectronic oscillators

Yung-Fu Chen
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
For pioneering contributions to the development of diode-pumped Raman lasers and structured laser modes for exploring quantum-classical connections

Nan Chi
Fudan University, China
For pioneering developments in visible light communication, coherent optical transmission and optical packet/burst switching

Wonshik Choi
Korea University and Center for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Institute for Basic Science, Republic of Korea
For innovative contributions to cell tomography and deep optical imaging within complex scattering media

Jianming Dai
Tianjin University, China
For significant contributions to terahertz science and technology, especially broadband terahertz wave generation, detection, sensing, and spectroscopy

Thomas Dekorsy
German Aerospace Center, Germany
For groundbreaking achievements in the fields of high-speed asynchronous optical sampling and highly efficient terahertz emitters, as well as for spectroscopy of coherent acoustic and optical phonons in a wide range of materials

Hilmi Volkan Demir
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and Bilkent University UNAM, Turkey
For pioneering and sustained contributions to the research and development of nanocrystal optoelectronics, semiconductor lighting and nanophotonics

Mark R. Dennis
University of Birmingham, UK
For seminal contributions to the understanding of the geometry and topology of light, especially polarization, singular optics and knotted optical vortices

Nibir K. Dhar
For outstanding technical and program leadership in advancing imaging technology and components for defense and commercial applications

Achyut K. Dutta
Banpil Photonics, Inc., USA
For distinguished contributions to photodetectors, particularly highly-sensitive IR photodetectors and their applications in imaging/communication, and high-performance energy harvesting devices enabled by photon-trapping micro-nanostructures

Nikolaos Efremidis
University of Crete, Greece
For important contributions in nonlinear optics, specifically for the proposition of the optical induction technique for experimenting with discrete solitons, for solitons in photonic lattices, and for discovering abruptly autofocusing beams

Stefan Enoch
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, Fresnel Institut, France
For outstanding fundamental contributions to the theory of nanophotonics, and for applying his insights to medical diagnostics

Alexandre Y. Fong
TruTag Technologies Inc., USA
For outstanding achievements and leadership in a wide range of complex projects in life sciences and instrumentation, technical product development, marketing and sales, and for excellence in leadership in OSA and the Florida Photonics Cluster

Andrea Fratalocchi
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
For pioneering innovations in the use of complex optical systems and the development of creative technologies in clean energy harvesting, bio-imaging, and advanced optical materials

Ling Fu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
For contributions to in vivo optical microscopy, especially endomicroscopy technologies based on fiber optic sensing and imaging for neuronal activity recording and for high-resolution medical diagnosis

Ulrike Fuchs
Asphericon GmbH, Germany
For outstanding and sustainable contributions to research linking the production of aspheres and metrology with questions of optical design and their transfer to free-form optics

Michael Gehm
Duke University, USA
For contributions to computational and compressive sensing, optical trapping of neutral atoms, and service to OSA

Zabih Ghassemlooy
University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK
For significant contributions to free space optical communication systems (FSO) and visible light communications (VLC)

Lynford L. Goddard
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For contributions to the field of optical measurement science

Vivek K Goyal
Boston University, USA
For outstanding inventions in computational imaging and sensing, including unprecedented demonstrations of the utility of weak, mixed, and indirect optical measurements

Bai-Ou Guan
Jinan University, China
For significant contributions to fiber optic sensor technology, particularly fiber grating laser sensors, and optical microfiber biosensors

Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega
Tecnologico de Monterrey (Tec), Mexico
For pioneering contributions to physical optics through studies of structured light beams and fractional optics, establishing the Tec’s optics program, and providing outstanding editorial service to OSA publications

Jianhua Hao
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
For outstanding and pioneering contributions to multifunctional phosphors and photonic devices

Yoshio Hayasaki
Utsunomiya University, Japan
For technical innovations in holography and its applications to information photonics, optical metrology, and material laser processing

Sven Hoefling
University of Würzburg, Germany, and University of St. Andrews, UK
For pioneering work on growth and device engineering of semiconductor materials for novel optoelectronic quantum devices

Jennifer J. Hunter
University of Rochester, USA
For the development of ophthalmic imaging systems that provide unprecedented insight into the function and structure of the retina

Xavier Intes
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
For achievements in translational biophotonics

Andrey Alekseevich Ionin
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
For the development of high-power IR and UV gas laser systems, advances in low-temperature plasma physics and laser filamentation processes

Jian-Ming Jin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
For fundamental contributions to computational electromagnetics and numerical simulation in photonics and optoelectronics

Igor Jovanovic
University of Michigan, USA
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast parametric sources and intense laser science and technology, and innovative applications of ultrafast lasers to plasma spectroscopy and remote sensing in nuclear security

Safa Kasap
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
For outstanding contributions to the research and development of radiation detectors for high-dose high-resolution radiation measurement, X-ray imagers, and for understanding optical properties of a wide class of materials

Fumio Koyama
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
For seminal contributions to VCSEL photonics and integration

Shiva Kumar
McMaster University, Canada
For seminal contributions to linear and nonlinear fiber optics, specifically to fiber design, soliton communications and understanding of stimulated Brillouin scattering in fibers

John H. Lehman
National Inst. of Standards & Technology, USA
For outstanding work on laser radiometry and applications, with a focus on accurate laser optical power measurements and applications

Giuseppe Leo
Université de Paris, France
For pioneering contributions to nonlinear nanophotonics with monolithic aluminum gallium arsenide nanoantennas and metasurfaces

Xiuling Li
University of Illinois, USA
For pioneering contributions to nanostructured semiconductor materials growth and fabrication innovation for device applications

Di Liang
Hewlett Packard Labs, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, USA
For seminal contributions to innovative photonic material and device integration for energy-efficient optical communication and volume production

Rongguang Liang
University of Arizona, USA
For contributions to optical engineering and biomedical optical imaging

Chien-Chung Lin
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
For major contributions to the development and application of colloidal quantum dots and encapsulation for significantly improved performance of photonic devices

Lih Y. Lin
University of Washington, USA
For significant contributions to the research and development of MEMS optical switching technologies, and innovation in solution-processed photonic components and devices

Na Liu
Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany
For outstanding contributions to nano-optics, three-dimensional optical metamaterials, and the interdisciplinary scientific work in the development of DNA nanotechnology-enabled dynamic nanoplasmonics

Chris Mack
Fractilia, USA
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of optical lithography for semiconductor manufacturing, and for education in lithography and semiconductor processes

Claudio Mazzali
Corning Optical Communications, USA
For business and technical leadership in optical fiber, cable and connectivity product developments

Vinod Menon
City College of New York and Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA
For important contributions to strong light-matter interactions in low-dimensional materials and hyperbolic metamaterials

Alan Migdall
Joint Quantum Institute, NIST and University of Maryland, USA
For significant contributions to quantum optics, especially the development of accurate metrology of single-photon detectors using parametric down-conversion

Jeremy N. Munday
University of California, Davis, USA
For pioneering contributions to novel photodetectors and energy converters using nanophotonic materials

Dragomir Neshev
Australian National University, Australia
For pioneering contributions to optics of nonlinear and tunable periodic structures, including frequency conversion and dynamic light manipulation in plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces

Alexander Nosich
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
For the development of a method of analytical regularization to solve radiation, scattering and eigenvalue problems in micro- and nano-optics

Irina Novikova
William & Mary, USA
For outstanding research of quantum coherence phenomena in atomic vapors, and ongoing service to OSA and the optics community

Salah Obayya
Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt
For research leadership and seminal contributions to computational photonics

Shilong Pan
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
For outstanding and sustained achievements in microwave-photonics based measurement

Glen Perram
Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
For laying the foundation for the Airborne Laser missile defense program through pioneering work on the high-power Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser

Thomas Pfeiffer
Nokia Bell Labs, Germany
For advancing research and commercialization of optical access technologies and architectures

Todd Pittman
University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
For pioneering contributions to quantum optics and quantum information processing with photons

Jianrong Qiu
Zhejiang University, China
For outstanding contributions in the area of fs laser material interaction and optoelectronic materials and their applications

Elizabeth Rogan
The Optical Society
For outstanding long-term management at OSA and leadership across the optics and photonics community, guiding extensive growth in programs, member engagement, diversity, inclusivity and advocacy

Katharine Schmidtke
Facebook Inc., USA
For technical innovation in the area of high-bandwidth optical interconnects, particularly in hyperscale data-center applications

Sze Set
University of Tokyo, Japan
For the invention of carbon nanotube mode-locked lasers and nano-carbon photonics, and pioneering contributions to the commercialization of technologies related to ultrafast optics

Heng Tao Shen
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
For pioneering contributions and leadership in the research and development of multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval

Jesse Simsarian
Nokia Bell Labs, USA
For contributions to technologies and systems for optical packet networks and software-defined optical networks

Ranjan Singh
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For pioneering contributions to terahertz science and technology through the development of active metamaterial platforms for sensing, switching, and communication applications

Melissa Skala
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Morgridge Institute for Research, USA
For innovation in the use of molecular imaging in cancer research and ophthalmology

Anders Søndberg Sørensen
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
For pioneering contributions to theoretical quantum optics, in particular for proposing novel methods for quantum gates and generation of nonclassical states of atoms, light and plasmons

Larry B. Stotts
Stotts Consulting, USA
For outstanding technical leadership in optical and photonic systems

Greg Sun
University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
For technical innovation and seminal work in optoelectronics, Si photonics and plasmonics

Taco Visser
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
For foundational contributions to optics in the field of plasmonics and coherence

Laurent Vivien
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris Saclay, Palaiseau, France
For pioneering contributions to optoelectronics and silicon photonics

Philip Walther
University of Vienna, Austria
For seminal contributions to the field of photonic quantum information science, including both foundational and technological advances

Qijie Wang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For outstanding and sustained contributions to the research and development of mid-infrared and terahertz photonics and optoelectronics, particularly in the field of semiconductor lasers and 2D material-based optoelectronics

Stacie Williams
For lifetime achievement and leadership in identifying and implementing innovative solutions to optical challenges in the fields of remote sensing and biophysics, and for an enduring impact on STEM education

Rachel Won
Nature Photonics, UK
For outstanding support of optics worldwide through leadership in scientific publishing, and for extensive volunteer work promoting the importance of photonics in society and the role of women in science

Elaine Wong
Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
For significant and sustained pioneering contributions to the research of next-generation optical access networks and technologies, in particular for groundbreaking achievements in wavelength-seeding technologies of reflective optical semiconductor amplifiers

Jianke Yang
University of Vermont, USA
For outstanding and innovative contributions to nonlinear optics, parity-time symmetry, and their numerical methodologies

Joel Yang
Singapore University of Technology & Design, Singapore
For pioneering contributions in plasmonic color printing and sub-10-nm resolution patterning for nanophotonics

Ken-Tye Yong
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
For significant contributions to develop optical functional nanomaterials and devices for biophotonic and nanophotonic applications

Siyuan Yu
University of Bristol, UK
For outstanding contributions in developing integrated photonic devices, optical fibers, and novel photonic information systems technologies by discovering and applying novel optical principles

Zongfu Yu
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
For outstanding and sustained contributions to nanophotonics, particularly nonreciprocal optics, photovoltaics optics, and multi-modal light sensors

C. Patrick Yue
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
For contributions to the advancement of visible light communication and optical fiber communication system-on-chip design based on silicon technologies

Han Zhang
Shenzhen University, China
For contributions to optical nanomaterials, developing two-dimensional nanomaterials for applications in optoelectronics as saturable absorbers to generate ultra-short pulses, and applications in biophotonics for bio-imaging and therapeutics

Lin Zhang
Aston University, UK
For technical leadership and outstanding contributions to the research and development of fiber grating-based devices and technology, and their applications in optical communications and sensing

Jianqiang Zhu
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China
For significant and sustained contributions to system design and advanced technology for high-power laser facilities, and for promoting multifunctional laser platforms in inertial confinement fusion research