2008 Fellows
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2008 Fellows
The Society is pleased to announce the new Fellow Members for 2008. This distinction was awarded to 54 members for their significant contributions to the advancement of optics and photonics through education, research, engineering, business leadership and service. The selection of these candidates was confirmed by the Board of Directors at its meeting in October 2007.
The Society appreciates the efforts of the many nominators and references. We also extend special thanks to the members of the Fellow Members Committee who reviewed the 121 nominations: Louis DiMauro (Chair), Charles Clark (Past Chair), Irving Bigio, Kent Choquette, Min Gu, Michael Haney, Denise Krol, Gerd Leuchs, Charles Matson, Lynn Nelson, Michael Roggeman, Jakob Stamnes and Herbert Winful.

Pierre Agostini
Ohio State University, USA
For leadership in the development of innovative experiments providing major insights into the dynamics of the nonlinear response of atoms and molecules submitted to strong infrared laser pulses.

Polina Bayvel
University College London, United Kingdom
For contributions to design of wavelength division multiplexed optical networks, with emphasis on wavelength routing architectures and optical fiber impairments.

Paul Berman
University of Michigan, USA
For contributions to the theory of laser spectroscopy, quantum optics, and matter-field interactions.

Tim Birks
University of Bath, United Kingdom
For outstanding conceptual and experimental contributions in the fields of photonic crystal fibres and tapered fiber devices.

Brett Bouma,
Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, USA
For innovation of novel biomedical optical technologies, including seminal contributions to the development and clinical application of optical coherence tomography.
Jean Paul Chambaret
Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée LOA/Ecole Polytecnique, France
For pioneering contributions to high repetition rate ultrahigh intensity ultrafast lasers, particularly for scaling their peak power, increasing the pulse contrast and for Offner-based stretcher design.

Angel Costela
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
For significant contributions to organic solid-state tunable lasers. In particular to the development of stable and efficient dye-doped polymer, and organic-inorganic, gain media.
Mario Dagenais
University of Maryland, USA
For pioneering contributions in quantum optics, nonlinear optics of gases and semiconductor devices, and for the development and integration of active semiconductor devices.

Larry R. Dalton
University of Washington, USA
For his scientific and educational contribution to the development of organic photonic materials and devices.

Cornelia Denz,
Universität Münster, Germany
For outstanding contributions to the advancement of optical spatial solitons and photonic structures and for pioneering developments in optical storage and microscope techniques, all based on nonlinear refractive index changes.

Kishan Dholakia
University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
For contributions to the field of optical micromanipulation and biophotonics, in particular using non zero order light fields.
Yujie Ding
Lehigh University, USA
For key contributions to efficient generation of widely-tunable, high-power, monochromatic terahertz pulses and terahertz frequency up- conversion using parametric frequency mixing.

Ronald G. Driggers
U.S. Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate, USA
For significant contributions to the imaging community in the area of infrared and electro-optical system performance modeling.
Gary S. Duck
Ventana Management Services, Canada
For innovation and leadership in the development and manufacture of optical components and instrumentation for the realization of practical and reliable wavelength-division-multiplexed optical fiber telecommunications systems.

Richard I. Epstein
Los Alamos National Lab, USA
For pioneering the field of solid-state optical refrigeration.

Shanhui Fan
Stanford University, USA
For many deep and creative contributions to physics, analysis, and novel devices in semiconductor, dielectric and metallic optical nanostructures.

James Fergason
Fergason Patent Properties, USA
In recognition of contributions to optical engineering, primarily in the commercial and industrial sector.

F. Javier Garcia de Abajo
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain
For pioneering works on the theory of light and electron interactions with nanostructures.

Harald Giessen
University of Stuttgart, Germany
For significant contributions to ultrafast spectroscopy and pioneering work on metallic photonic crystals and metamaterials.
Leonid B. Glebov
Univ. of Central Florida, USA
For discovery and practical implementation of photothermorefractive glass as a new medium for recording high-efficiency volume holographic gratings and pioneering studies of photo-ionization physics of pure and doped glasses.
Sailing He
Zhejiang University, China, and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
For seminal contributions in micro- and nano-integrated photonics based on photonic crystals, planar lightwave circuits, and metamaterials.
Edwin J. Heilweil
National Inst. of Standards and Technology, USA
For seminal contributions to ultrafast optical studies of vibrational energy transfer and to terahertz spectroscopy.

Ralph B. James
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
For exceptional technical accomplishments and leadership leading to advances in nonlinear optics and optoelectronic sensors for lasers, spectroscopy and imaging.

Alex K-Y. Jen
University of Washington, USA
For pioneering contributions to the field organic materials for optics including conducting polymers, organic electro-optics, and organic LEDs.

Franz X. Kärtner
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
For pioneering contributions to femtosecond pulse generation and ultrafast nonlinear optics.

Philippe Lalanne
CNRS/Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique, France
For contributions to the theory of periodic and non periodic structures, including subwavelength diffractive optics, photonic crystal microcavities and metallic nanostructures.

Michael S. Lebby
For innovations in VCSEL devices and VCSEL-based modules and optoelectronics industry leadership.

Michal Lipson
Cornell University, USA
For outstanding contributions to the field of silicon nanophotonics including the development of high-bandwidth modulators and low-power nonlinear optical devices.

Serge Luryi
State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
For outstanding and pioneering contributions to semiconductor opto-electronics and photonics, especially to the physics and photonic applications of low-dimensional semiconductor structures.

Eric Mazur
Harvard University, USA
For pioneering contributions to optical waveguiding at the nanoscale level and to understanding the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with materials.

John J. McCann
McCann Imaging, USA
For long-standing commitment and contributions to vision research and to Retinex theory.

Arthur R. McGurn
Western Michigan University, USA
For a theory of phase coherent effects in the multiple scattering of light from disordered surfaces and films and for work on linear and nonlinear optics in nanostructure photonics.

Paul F. McManamon
Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
For significant contributions in Optical Phased Array and Laser Radar, and for his role in the international optical community.

Robert A. Minasian
University of Sydney, Australia
For contributions to the fundamental understanding of photonic signal processing of microwave signals.

Kenzo Miyazaki
Kyoto University, Japan
For seminal contributions to nonlinear optics and strong-field science, in particular high-harmonic generation, molecular alignment, and surface nanostructuring.

Alan J. Morrow
BinOptics Corporation, USA
For the development of optical fibers and photonic components.
David J. Moss
University of Sydney, Australia
For significant contributions to the theory of semiconductor optical nonlinearities and quantum-well optoelectronic devices and to experimental demonstrations of integrated optical signal processing, as well as for developing commercial devices for optical communications.
Charles R. Munnerlyn
VISX, Inc. (retired), USA
For pioneering science, engineering, and entrepreneurship in developing and promoting excimer laser surgery for the correction of vision, which has created a new industry and has given millions of people normal vision without glasses. (2007 Land Medal recipient)
Kyle J. Myers
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA
For innovation and leadership in image science and objective assessment of image quality.
John D. O'Brien
University of Southern California, USA
For contributions to the science and technology of photonic crystal devices.

Howard A. Padmore
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
For pioneering contributions to the application of x-ray optics to scientific research using synchrotron radiation.

Xiaochuan Pan
The University of Chicago, USA
For advancement of tomographic imaging theory and applications for diffracting and non-diffracting wavefields.

Eugene S. Polzik
Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
For the development of quantum memory for light, the robust light and matter entanglement and their use in teleportation protocols.
Evgeny Popov
Fresnel Institute, France
For outstanding contributions in computational diffraction theory and its application to diffraction gratings, photonic crystals, surface and guided waves, aperture diffraction, and instrumental optics and optical detection.

Margaret Reid
University of Queensland, Australia
For developing ways to test the fundamental concepts of nonlocality, squeezing, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradoxes, entanglement, and macroscopic superpositions in quantum optical systems.
Steven L. Rolston
University of Maryland, USA
For his contribution to the development of atomic quantum optics, including pioneering studies of atoms in optical lattices.
Timothy J. Schulz
Michigan Technological University, USA
For pioneering the use of modern statistical-estimation theory in inverse imaging problems, including the invention of a highly successful imaging modality: model-based multiframe blind deconvolution.

Trevor J. Sears
Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University, USA
For advancing the molecular spectroscopy of transient species through the invention of new techniques for their study, thereby obtaining valuable information about these transients.

Bruce W. Shore
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (retired), USA
For developing the theory and publicizing the nature of coherent excitation of atoms and molecules by laser light.

Olav Solgaard
Stanford University, USA
For contributions to optical micro-electro-mechanical systems and nanophotonics, with applications in displays, telecommunications, and sensing.

Donna Strickland
University of Waterloo, Canada
For pioneering contributions to ultrafast laser and optical science, in particular for chirped pulse amplification and ultrafast nonlinear optics, as well as for many contributions to the optics community.

Jonathan Tennyson
University College London, United Kingdom
For contributions to the theory and simulations of rotational-vibrational spectra of small molecules and applications for practical purposes. (Lippincott Award 2007)

Jeffrey Owen White
Army Research Laboratory, USA
For applying nonlinear optics to image processing, laser scaling, and distortion compensation and for applying novel spectroscopy and microscopy to multiple disciplines.

Anatoly V. Zayats
The Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
For pioneering contributions in nano-optics and plasmonics, including nonlinear near-field microscopy, nonlinear plasmonics, and linear and nonlinear spectroscopy of metallic nanostructures.