Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging Topical Meeting

Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging Topical Meeting
18 - 21 August 2025
Hyatt Regency Seattle
Seattle, Washington USA
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Sign up nowIn 2025, the Optica Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging Topical Meeting (DH) will be presented as part of the Optica Imaging Congress.
DH provides a forum for science, technology, applications of digital holographic, three-dimensional imaging and display methods.
This highly interdisciplinary meeting is related to science, technology and applications of digital holography and three-dimensional imaging. Topic areas include interferometry, quantitative phase imaging, transport of intensity methods, 3D imaging and display systems including VR/AR, computer generated holograms, metasurface holograms, digital holography with various light sources including coherent to incoherent and X-ray to terahertz waves, polarization and dynamic holography, compressive holography, specific image and signal processing and digital holographic methods for microscopy, tomography, optical processing, lithography, metrology, scattering media inspection, remote sensing, non-linear optical systems, bio- and nano-photonics.