Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)
18 - 21 August 2025
Hyatt Regency Seattle
Seattle, Washington USA
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Submission Deadline: 15 Apr 2025 12:00
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Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)
Computational sensing and imaging are processes that tightly combine optics, sensing and processing to acquire task relevant information.
They use the strong coupling with computation to provide an operational capability that is impossible to realize using conventional means, that addresses a dimensionality mismatch or that reduces the cost of making measurements compared with conventional means.
COSI showcases the latest innovations in computational sensing and imaging, emphasizing synergistic activities in optics, detectors and signal processing, including machine learning. The topical meeting is looking for submissions spanning topics that range from theoretical advances to application of computational sensing and imaging in medicine, defense and industry.
Liang Gao
University of California Los Angeles, United States,
General Chair
Seung Ah Lee
Seoul National University, Republic Of Korea,
General Chair
Ashley Lyons
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom,
General Chair
Chris Metzler
University of Maryland at College Park, United States,
Program Chair
Guohai Situ
Shanghai Inst. Laser Tech., China,
Program Chair
Esteban Vera
Pontificia Univ Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile,
Program Chair
Committee Members
- Liang Gao, University of California Los Angeles, United States, General Chair
- Seung Ah Lee, Seoul National University, Republic Of Korea, General Chair
- Ashley Lyons, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, General Chair
- Chris Metzler, University of Maryland at College Park, United States, Program Chair
- Guohai Situ, Shanghai Inst. Laser Tech., China, Program Chair
- Esteban Vera, Pontificia Univ Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile, Program Chair
- Emma Alexander, Northwestern University, United States
- Julia Alonso, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
- David Brady, University of Arizona, United States
- Qing Chao, University of Washington, United States
- Andrew Harvey, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Wolfgang Heidrich, King Abdullah Univ of Sci & Technology, Saudi Arabia
- Ryoichi Horisaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Roarke Horstmeyer, Duke University, United States
- Mooseok Jang, Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech, Republic Of Korea
- Edmund Lam, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Lei Li, Rice University, United States
- Andrew Maiden, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
- Rajesh Menon, University of Utah, United States
- John Murray-Bruce, University of South Florida, United States
- Ioannis Papadopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Chrysanthe Preza, University of Memphis, United States
- Jan Rothhardt, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
- Giuliano Scarcelli, University of Maryland at College Park, United States
- Paulo Silveira, Occipital Inc, United States
- Maciej Trusiak, Politechnika Warszawska, Poland
- Abbie Watnik, US Naval Research Laboratory, United States
- Jiamin Wu, Tsinghua University, China
- Zeev Zalevsky, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Guoan Zheng, University of Connecticut, United States
- Kevin Zhou, University of Michigan, United States
- Chao Zuo, Nanjing Univ of Science and Technology, China