Robert E. Hopkins Leadership Award
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Robert E. Hopkins Leadership Award
Recognizes an individual or group who has had a significant impact on the global optics and photonics community or on society as a whole stemming from non-research oriented activities.
The award seeks to recognize achievement/s that would not be eligible for our traditional awards/medals.
The award was established in 1997 with the support of Milton Chang and New Focus to strengthen the link between the optics community and the public. In 2012, the award was re-named in memory of Robert E. Hopkins thanks to contributions from CVI Melles Griot, Semrock, and ATFilms, Units of IDEX Corporation, Corning Incorporated, Hellma USA Incorporated, IPG Photonics Corp., LaCroix Optical Co, Sydor Optics Inc, u2t Photonics AG, John Bruning, William Mimmack, G. Michael Morris, Charles and Judith Munnerlyn, Jannick and Kevin Rolland-Thompson, and James C. Wyant.
For significantly advancing the optics and photonics community through her leadership in organizing international conferences, promoting diversity, and mentoring the next generation of photonics professionals and leaders
For leadership and vision in establishing North America's first high intensity laser research network, providing students and scientists worldwide with access to state of the art high power laser experimental facilities and photonics technologies
For outstanding contributions to the global impact of optics and photonics and for promoting the field to the general public world-wide
For leadership in promoting online platforms for disseminating science and educational programs, thereby reducing barriers for early career researchers and increasing mentoring opportunities worldwide.
For outstanding support and promotion of optics throughout Europe, and exceptional leadership in institutions and scientific societies such as OSA, SPIE, ICO, EOS, and SFO.
For leadership in the promotion and dissemination of optics and light-based technologies, and outstanding contributions in establishing a strategic vision for research and innovation in photonics in Europe
For extraordinary leadership creating major international optics and photonics research centers and programs that support the global optics and photonics community
For her outstanding dedication to promoting optics at an international level with very valuable leadership in institutions and scientific societies like ICO (International Commission for Optics), ICTP, OSA, and SIOF
For establishing the vision and effective organization of a long-planned and highly successful global celebration of the OSA centennial anniversary, with a focus on OSA’s next 100 years of innovation
For leadership in establishing and implementing the project “OneDollarGlasses”, a contribution that demonstrates how optics can improve living conditions of millions of people in developing countries
For his tireless support over many years of international collaboration in science, in particular his remarkable success in almost single-handedly creating the 2015 UNESCO International Year of Light
For leadership in education and entrepreneurship, which led to establishment of important programs, institutions and companies devoted to developing optics in the United States, the Middle East and North Africa
For his initiation of the idea of LaserFest and his leadership in making LaserFest an extremely successful worldwide celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first demonstration of the laser
For leadership and advocacy of optics and photonics, and especially for the creation of the ICFO, an excellence center in optical research and a model for successful optics initiatives
For broad and inspiring leadership in terms of governing premier societies, chairing prestigious conferences, leading the research arm of Bell Laboratories, and spearheading the multi-institutional MONET consortium
For several key contributions to optical science and engineering through professional society leadership, journal editorships, and education in the classroom and in short courses at conferences
For leadership and vision in furthering optics education and humanitarian purposes, including founding the first engineering school in Afghanistan and his contribution to the global fight against terrorism, as expressed in his activities in the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
For his leadership role in establishing and leading the Optoelectronic Industries Development Association and making it the primary advocate for the optoelectronics industry in the U.S. over the past 12 years
For visionary leadership within the optics community through research contributions, innovations in teaching, and ground-breaking technology programs that have brought together optoelectronics manufacturers and researchers
For his decade-long leadership of, and personal research contribution to, the field of laser applications to art conservation as manifested through publications, conference organization and international advocacy
For leadership in setting the national agenda for higher education and university research, including its impact on optics
In recognition of her pioneering status as the first Hispanic woman astronaut, her unstinting efforts to serve as a positive role model for women in general, and Hispanic women in particular, and her generous contributions of time to the optics community
For technical, educational and service contributions to the worldwide optics community and for contributions in the public-policy arena during distinguished service to the government of the United States of America
For his leadership in visual science and the resulting benefits to artists, scholars and the visually impaired. His work has made significant contributions that have transcended both interdisciplinary and international boundaries
In recognition of his outstanding accomplishments as editor of optics related journals and books of the highest scientific standard, and his ability in attracting internationally acclaimed scientists to contribute to well integrated and rapid publications that disseminate new aspects of optical science and technology to the optical community worldwide
For providing outstanding services to the optical community and OSA as a program manager of AFOSR by exercising a unique vision in advocating and supporting pioneering research and graduate education in the field of optics
* Deceased