Tingye Li Photos
About Optica

Tingye Li, Alan Willner and son (August 2006)

In December 2011, Tingye Li sent this photo to OSA with the following message:
“After seeing the website sent to the Presidential Advisory Committee members expressing holiday greetings in many languages by a diverse set of people, I was reminded of my experience in South Africa last summer, when I returned, after almost 60 years, to accept an honorary degree, a Doctor of Science in Engineering, honoris causa, from my Alma Mater, the University of the Witwatersrand. As some of you know, I spent 5 years in Johannesburg, South Africa, during my youth where my father was posted as the Chinese (Nationalist) Consul General. I left South Africa after getting my BSc degree in 1952 and have not returned ever since. What a change in its societal mindset and behavior regarding acceptance and tolerance of diverse groups of people, as taught by Nelson Mandela! I thought the rest of the world could learn a great deal from them.
This is a photo taken just before the commencement ceremony of the colorful and diverse faculty. At the center is the Vice Chancellor (President) of the university, Professor Nongxa, who has a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Oxford; the rest, (except me, who added diversity to the group), are Deans and Faculty members.
So you see, I use this photo to send you all my best wishes for Peace on Earth and Harmony in the World during this Joyful Holiday Season!”

OSA past president Tingye Li was feted at a celebration in honor of his 80th birthday during OFC/NFOEC 2011 on 6 March 2011. From left to right, Constance Chang-Hasnain, Tingye Li, Robert Tkach, Li Family Member, Alan Willner, and Edith Wu Li.
Tingye giving a Plenary Speech at the Inaugural Ceremony of the Federation of Associations of Chinese Professionals in Southern USA (FACPSU) at Georgia Tech in October, 1997.

Tingye at APOC 2007. He was the main supporter to have this conference in Wuhan, China to help to revitalize the "Wuhan.Optical Valley of China".

Tingye and Edith touring the Huangpu River in Shanghai with friends during ACP’10.
Tingye and OSA CEO Liz Rogan at a reception celebrating Tingye’s 80th birthday that was held during OFC/NFOEC 2011.
Tony Siegman recognizing Tingye’s contributions to the laser at the LaserFest Symposium held in 2010 celebrating 50 years of laser innovations.
Tingye speaking at the ACP Conference in 2009.