Randy A Bartels
Randy A Bartels

Randy A Bartels earned a BS in 1997 from Oklahoma State University, and an MS 1999 and PhD in 2002 from University of Michigan. During his graduate career, Bartles was supported by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship and received numerous awards, including OSA’s New Focus Student Research Award, a JILA scientific achievement award, and selection as a finalist for the DAMOP Thesis Award.
He joined Colorado State University as an assistant professor in January of 2003. Bartels received the 2004 Adolph Lomb Medal and a 2004 CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation. His current research involves the control of molecular coherences for novel nonlinear optics and manipulation of ultrafast optical pulses, as well as development of EUV laser sources and optical systems. He is a Fellow of Optica and APS.
Document Created: 26 July 2023
Last Updated: 30 September 2024