By Laws
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Local Section Bylaws
Article I.
The name of this organization shall be the "[name of institution/region] Optica Local Section."
Article II.
The objectives of this Section shall be:
- to promote awareness of optical science and optical engineering among the student and local communities;
- to facilitate communication and interaction between students, faculty, administration and industry professionals;
- to interact with Optica members and its student and local organizations with a focus on information sharing and networking;
- to raise awareness of post-graduation opportunities for students; and
- provide professional development and networking opportunities for all members.
Article III.
Membership in this Section shall be open to any person with an interest in optical science and optical engineering.
Article IV.
This Section is a local section of Optica. This Section is required to use properly Optica’s name, logo, and other trademarks.
Article V.
The Section must have at least eight at all times who represent the diversity of the local community for optics and photonics through participation with academia, industry and government.
Article VI.
The Section shall submit an annual activity report and membership roster to Optica’s Membership and Education Development Council every year. Optica may declare the Section inactive if the Section fails to submit the activity report and membership roster for two (2) or more consecutive years.
Article VII.
Optica may revoke the authority of this Section for cause.
Article VIII.
A quorum of thirty percent of the total membership shall be required for business to be transacted or elections held at any meeting.
Article IX.
A. Section Officers
All officers shall be members in good standing of the section and members of Optica.
B. Nominations and Elections
- The elected officers will be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
- Nominations for the officers shall be conducted by a committee consisting of three members appointed by the President. The committee’s role will be to ensure a full slate of candidates for the officers.
- Nominations will be open for one week after the first regular meeting of the year.
- Elections will be held at the second regular meeting of the year. Voting must continue until a candidate wins by majority of members present. If no majority is obtained, the candidate with the fewest number of votes will be eliminated and voting will continue.
- In case of a vacant office, a special election will be held at the next regular meeting.
C. Term of Office
The term of all officers shall begin at the completion of the election and will last for two years.
D. Removal from Office
- An elected officer can be removed from office for misconduct or failure to perform the duties of his/her office.
- Charges of misconduct or failure to perform duties must be openly made against the officer by a member in a section meeting.
- At a section meeting after the meeting in which charges are made, removal must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
E. Duties of Officers
- President — To run meetings in an orderly fashion, to make necessary decisions, and to represent and be responsible for the section’s activities.
- Vice President — To assist the President and to serve in his/her absence. To assist with the execution of section activities.
- Treasurer — To be responsible for the financial activities of the section including the collection of section dues and the management of incoming funds and payments and maintain a record of the income and expenses of the section.
- Secretary — To take minutes during all section meetings. To maintain communications with Optica including the submission of the section’s Annual Report.
Article X.
Section dues shall be set by the section and paid by its individual members. These funds will be managed by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall provide a section membership roster to Optica annually.