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OSA100 Bookshelf

Journal of the Optical Society covers from 1916 to now.

Journal of the Optical Society of America Celebrates OSA's Centennial

To commemorate OSA's Centennial, OSA Publishing has developed some special content that highlights the Society's first publication, Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA), as well as its spinoffs, JOSA A and JOSA B.



List of Topical and Assistant Editors

Browse all of the people who have served as topical and assistant editors over the last 100 years.

100 Most Cited By Journal

Enjoy free, full access to the 100 most cited JOSA, JOSA A, and JOSA B articles. 

Biographies of Current and Past Editors-in-Chief

Learn more about the Editors-in-Chief of JOSA, JOSA A, and JOSA B.

JOSA Term Browser

Explore the rise and fall of topics and technological themes in JOSA, JOSA A, and JOSA B with this interactive visual tool.

JOSA Word Cloud

Centennial Editorials by the Editors-in-Chief of JOSA A and JOSA B

Throughout 2016, the Editors-in-Chief of JOSA A and JOSA B authored editorials looking back on JOSA's rich history with an eye on the future.

  • P. Scott Carney

    JOSA A
    P. Scott Carney
    University of Illinois, USA

  • Grover Swartzlander

    JOSA B
    Grover Swartzlander
    Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

  • Bahaa Saleh

    JOSA A
    Bahaa Saleh
    CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA

  • Prem Kumar

    JOSA B
    Prem Kumar
    Northwestern University, USA

Most Cited Articles by Decade

Discover the most cited articles across all of OSA's publications over the last 100 years. 

Image for keeping the session alive