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Omar Santiago Magaña-Loaiza

Optica Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference

Omar Santiago Magaña-Loaiza

Louisiana State University

Multiparticle Near-field Dynamics of Plasmonic Waves

I will describe how the classical near-field dynamics of surface plasmons are defined by nonclassical processes of scattering among their constituent multiparticle subsystems. Additionally, I will discuss plasmonic waves excited by electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations.

About the Speaker

Omar S. Magaña-Loaiza received his doctoral degree from the University of Rochester in 2016, and then became a research associate at NIST Boulder. In 2018, he joined LSU, where he is now an Associate Professor of Physics and the leader of the Experimental Quantum Photonics Group. His group's research investigates novel properties of light and their potential for quantum technologies. He was a recipient of the Early Career Program award from the Army Research Office.

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